
The God Who Works Things Out

Tomorrow I begin my first official outpatient therapy session at Northern Colorado Rehab Hospital. I am approved for 20 visits of physical and occupational therapy. I hope to see some steady improvement and develop the skills that I need to become more independent and to get stronger through my own workouts. I did feel more(…)


Mercy, Grace, Faith, Love

I found myself fairly fatigued today. Yesterday was a good work out day between some of the exercises I did, my walking and my wheelchair work. However, I am feeling stronger and more normal in my activities. I can definitely do things easier than just a month ago. I got caught up on some personal(…)


Learning From a Sad Ending

We had lunch today with Debbie’s sister Sue and her husband Sam at their home in Wellington. This was our first visit to their home in close to a year. Since my illness came shortly after our move to Fort Collins, the impact of all that hit not only our life and theirs as well(…)


The Failure of Success

The Failure of Success

After church this evening we enjoyed a meal out with our friend Charlie Simineo. Nice weather good to sit out on the patio of the restaurant and feel more and more normalcy return to our lives. We took the regular wheelchair to our church service. Debbie cleaned up my car so it was primed and(…)


Generosity and Grace

Generosity and Grace

I’m tired here at the end of the day. It was a full day leaving the house at 7 a.m. and getting home at about 6 p.m. Pastor Steve and Harris and I made a trip to the Capitol in Denver. The weather was great and so was the traffic. It was good to be(…)


What Happened?

What Happened?

Our life has changed. We have a new pet, a dog from prison. Not from the Dumb Friends League, but from the Women’s Correctional Prison in Denver. They have a dog adoption program. The dogs go through a training program and then are adopted out to families. So, this one comes pre-trained, how about that!(…)
