Progress on the Long Road to Recovery

I had a productive day of therapy today. I walked with the walker more working on turns and the transition from a smooth to a carpeted surface. This afternoon I had a good occupational therapy session. Pastor Steve Harris came during this time and was able to observe the regimen that I can go through on the road to recovery.

It was interesting to work some muscles that I have not engaged in some time and to realize that while I am making progress on so many fronts that I have muscle groups that still need to be awaken and strengthened.These are specifically in my arms and shoulders. As Barry the OT worked with me and explained the muscle groups that needed to be strengthened it was an eye opener to me about all the therapeutic fronts that need to worked on.

In a way it could be viewed as discouraging, but in the boarder scope of a long road to recovery it shows how complicated the body is and how easy it is to compensate for various movements but doing so at the detriment of the development of important muscles.

It reminds me of how a young sibling can be delayed in talking because an older sibling is always telling mom and dad what little brother or sister want. Perhaps it can be slower development of motor skills in a young child because that child is being carried by parents or brothers and sisters and not being place in a position of going through the struggle to develop those muscles.

For me I have been focusing so much on my legs and walking, that I didn’t realize the weakness in my shoulders. I have made some progress which I am thankful for and I have learn how to compensate to get things done, but when challenged to use the proper motions or mechanics all of a sudden a dose of reality sets in.

I like Romans 12:3 the verses that lead into Paul’s teaching on spiritual gifts:

“Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us”

 For me the bottom line is, if I don’t know where I need help, I can’t work on the deficiencies I have and develop the muscle strength and abilities that will bring me to wholeness. Spiritually speaking if we don’t have an attitude of humility and have an honest evaluation of our strengths and weaknesses God can’t use us to the degree that He would like. Our spiritual gifts become a source of pride or frustration because we don’t see the big picture.

I like to focus on progress and rejoice in what I can do.We all do. But if that is all we do without understanding the areas of our life or spiritual well-being or areas our physical bodies need to work on, we will short change ourselves. I have enjoyed bringing delight to my physical  and occupational therapists as they have seen me “bounce back” from this “set back.”But my late afternoon session today was really the best of all this week. That is because I learned the areas that I still need to work on as I make progress on the road to full recovery.


The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Matt. 23:11,12


  • Progress in therapy
  • Strength for arms and shoulders
  • Protection from any falls
  • Application of strategies to address areas of deficiencies