Comfort in God’s Character

Today was an active and busy day. Stephanie and Nathan had some showings of their current house they are trying to rent. Stephanie and I went to her office where I had the opportunity to meet and visit with the owner of her property management company. We then meet our good friends Billy and Carol Roberts for lunch. The Roberts attended our church in Lakewood before moving to Georgia many years ago. We have maintained our friendship over the years and always look forward to connecting with them when we come to Atlanta. They have been a great support during my illness and recovery. (see picture)

This afternoon we took the grand kids to Chick-fil-A for ice cream and then after dinner went to Mason’s basketball practice.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep….How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.”  Psalm 36:5-8

The character of God is summarized the best in this Psalm of David. We see single word expressions that describe God in His essence such as, “God is Holy”; “God is love.” But in these verses we find an anthem or praise that exalts who the Lord is for His people and the confidence that brings to those who place their faith in Him.

When we stop and consider these verses, we realize that no other god or deity of other religions is described in the words that are used to describe the Lord God. Consider each of these attributes. Love, faithfulness, righteousness and justice. These words communicate that the Lord will respond to His people with patience, long-suffering, consistency, kindness, and fairness. What He does will be right and even if His actions are not understood, we can be confident that it is for our good. As Paul would declare in his letter to the Romans, “God is for us!”

David follows these verses with the natural response to a God like this. “People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Who God is and how He responds to us out of His character compels those who have placed their faith in Him to draw near to Him. Once again the gods and deities of the world are viewed with fear and intimidation and distrust. But because who God is, we see His divine plan in leaving His home (heaven), to come to our home (earth), to make His home in us (our hearts) that we may one day be home with Him (heaven).

You can trust the character of the Lord and find a place of peace and refuge in His presence.