Plan Carefully and Prayerfully

I have been pleased that I have enjoyed a good stretch of general health. I am looking at putting five months behind me in a couple of week since my last infection treatment was over. I still have some significant weakness, but am making progress to the point of wanting to make some plans for greater activity in the coming months. As a result, you can see that today’s devotional comes out of my own life journey.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… “Plan carefully what you do, and whatever you do will turn out right.”  Proverbs 4:26 (GNB)

I like the wording of this verses in the “Good News Bible” (GNB). Proverbs is about wisdom for right living and this verse has a 21st century relevancy. (Actually all of Proverbs is still relevant for today.)

Traversing the road map of life requires of plan. That can apply to all aspects of life from finances, career, to Christian service and many others. The advice of Solomon is “just don’t let life happen.” As Colorado evaluates the impact of legalized marijuana, one thing is certain, drugs take away ambition for a productive life. I recall when we were establishing the regulations for “medical” marijuana several years ago, a fellow legislator commenting about a young adult son, saying, “all he wants to do is sit around the house and smoke weed.” No ambition, no drive, no goals, outside of the next high. This doesn’t only apply to those who abuse drugs, but it is certainly accentuated in those lives.

From early in life the one question that is asked of a child is, “what do you want to be (or do) when you grow up?” Some of us in adulthood will still say, “I’m trying to figure what I want to do when I grow up.” A plan is really the ste of action steps that enables us to achieve a goal and so it is important for the first step, to be established. What is your goal? What is your personal “mission” for life? That is what makes a plan unique to each life. Some plans may be similar but the goal in mind is different.

The second word is important as well. “Plan carefully.” There are costs that are involved in a plan. Plans may changes as we move through life and adjustments must be made. I recall my “planned strategy” for running for the State House. It began several years before I actually became a candidate.  It involved a series of steps from establishing relationships and preparing my self academically. I had a time line in mind as well.

When Solomon says, “….whatever you do will turn out right” he is stating a guiding principal for life and not a promise from the Lord. Or perhaps we should add, plan carefully and prayerfully.”

“We may make our plans, but God has the last word… Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out….You may make your plans, but God directs your actions.” (Proverbs 16:1,3,9) “People may plan all kinds of things, but the Lord’s will is going to be done.” (Proverbs 19:21) I recall that when I became a candidate for the State House, it first appeared that my timing was not going to work out and my “plan” was going to fall by the wayside. But a set of circumstances arose that really seemed to be of the Lord’s doing that opened the door.

When we make plans prayerfully, we can do so with a sense of confidence that the Lord will direct our steps and that His will, will be done in our lives. As we are open to His direction, He can modify or change our plans and we will know that it is because of His care for our lives.

Plan with others.  Get good advice and you will succeed; don’t go charging into battle without a plan.” (Proverbs 20:18) Wise people get advice from wise people. I have shared how Jethro gave Moses a plan to solve a problem he didn’t know he had. We can certainly look to trusted sources, who know us, who believe in us, to help formulate the plans for our life.

As you live a life of wisdom, and “plan carefully and prayerfully”, may this blessing rest on all of your efforts, “May he [the Lord] give you what you want and make all your plans succeed…” (Psalm 20:4 NCV)