Grace that Overcomes

I was fairly tired last night, so ended up going to bed early and getting up later than usual. I intentionally have had a “laid back day” because tomorrow will be a busy day at the Capitol with the “Human Trafficking Awareness Day.” I will have the opportunity to open the House session in prayer for the first time this session. They will also show my video about “My Story” as well.

I was glad for nicer weather today and a forecast for warm temperatures tomorrow. Please keep me and the UCOUNT Campaign group in prayer as we spend this day at the capitol on an important issue.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… Don’t think that there is no truth in the scripture that says, “The spirit that God placed in us is filled with fierce desires.” But the grace that God gives is even stronger. As the scripture says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:5,6

James in his letter addresses some serious issues. He begins by talking about the importance of having faith under trials; he warns about prejudice and judging by outward appearances; he talks about the challenge of taming the tongue; he says the world, our carnal nature and spiritual darkness are at the heart of  jealousy, bitterness and selfishness; he talks about fighting and discord that comes from inward conflict and how friendship with the world is the same as sin.

This is just a partial list. I’m not sure whether to be impressed or distressed when we can observe that behaviors and issues record in the Old and New Testament are rampant in our world and lives today. It shows that our temptations and natural desires are not in line with God’s supernatural plan and purpose for our lives.

We are more prone to say the wrong thing, have the wrong motives, be a part of conflict, give in to envy and jealousy, embrace ideas and practices that are of the world’s system, than we are to live in faith, trust and obedience to the Lord. James even warns about judging others over the law. So, we see that even when we try to live by God’s “rules” we turn it into an opportunity to sin.

What is the solution? Where is our hope? It is in Christ and Christ alone. “Christ’s grace is stronger” than then conflict within and without. We don’t have to be perfect, but we do have to be open and humble. That is why James says, “…. submit yourselves to God… Resist the Devil…Come near to God, and he will come near to you.Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” (James 4:7-9)

The path of peace, strength and victory is found in Christ’s grace and living in humility before the Lord. Putting Christ first is the opposite of the natural tendencies toward putting ourselves first and jealousy, envy, strife and prejudice. Remember the humble are exalted and those that exalt themselves are humbled. As someone once said, “It is better to humble yourself, than to find yourself humiliated by your actions and the Lord’s correction.”

You never know. Just when you believe that you have everything going your way, you may end up in a hospital bed totally dependent upon others, for everything! That kind of forced humility can give you greater insight into yourself, your world and others.