People Talk

I was practicing tying my new and only bow tie, when I realized I had not posted today’s blog. My day went well with another fitness center workout and a massage. I had an early evening HOA meeting my third of the week and then Debbie and I had dinner at Outback Steakhouse.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… But Jesus sent him [the man delivered from demons] away, saying, “Go back home and tell what God has done for you.” The man went through the town, telling what Jesus had done for him.  (Luke 8:38-39)

Jesus spent three short years in his active ministry of teaching and working miracles. But it didn’t take long before His popularity and notoriety grew to proportions that caused the Pharisees envy and the political leaders concern. This was all in day when their was no news media, email, twitter, FaceBook and other modern forms of communication.

But people were used to sharing what they had heard and seen with their family, neighbors and members of the community. At times scriptures simply records of Jesus presence in a town that, “it was noised abroad that He was in the house.” (Mark 2:1)

We see Jesus sent out His disciples to preach and good news and to baptize. There were women who accompanied Jesus who undoubtedly helped spread this message as well. Those whose lives had been impacted by Jesus simply shared their stories.

The blind man said, “once I was blind, but now I see.” (John 9) The women at the well in Samaria went to her community and said, “Come see the man who told me all, can this be the Messiah?” (John 4) Lepers were healed, the dead were raised, the lame walked, the multitudes were fed. People told people and the crowds came to follow Jesus.

One invitation and one command summarize the responsibility of believers in Christ. “Go and tell.” “Come and see.”   When our lives have been changed by Jesus we have the opportunity to go and tell others about what He has done in our life and the lives of others. As we do that our simple invitation to others is, “come and see.” That is what Philip did, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Nathanael asked. “Come and see,” answered Philip.” (John 1:46) We don’t have to convince, we just have to invite.

People still talk today. They talk about the weather, sports, hobbies, family activities, politics. But we have been convinced that we can’t talk about issues of faith; what we believe and what we have experienced. I’m glad those of Jesus day were not shy about that, or we may not be followers of Christ today. The came and saw, they went and told. It is that basic. And when that happens Jesus is faithful through the work of the Holy Spirit to draw people to Himself.