A Prophets Call and Preparation

What a great fall day, temperatures in the 70’s and no freezing temperatures yet this fall. We have actually had a decent crop of green peppers from my garden. That has been my lone success this season. I enjoyed working most of the day outside and getting more accomplished on my landscaping project around the house. I was able to chop out some big roots that had grown near the house and get a sprinkler head changed. I’m learning how to get quite a bit done from a wheelchair.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… “The Lord spoke his word to me, saying: “Before I made you in your mother’s womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:4,5 NCV

The call of God’s spokesmen, the prophets were all unique. Amos was a sheepherder and farmer. Elisha was Elijah’s “assistant,” Samuel was dedicated for the Lord’s service before he was born and then called to be a prophet as a child. Some prophets we know more about than others. Jeremiah is unique because he is the only one that is identified as being “chosen” before he was born.

God’s “call” is unique for every person. Whether it is a call early in life or one that takes place through life, we find the Lord is the one who calls, equips and uses people for His purpose. While there is a “divine call” to “vocational” ministry it is important for every Christ-follower to view their life being lived according to God’s purpose and “call.” That call may be through gifts and skills that enable someone to be a teacher, engineer or medical professional or some other vocation.

I know that Debbie believes her work as a hospice nurse is a “calling” more than just a career decision. Before “full time ministry” I view my work as a high school teacher and coach as a way to fulfill God’s call on my life. The bottom line…while there are unique and special “callings” all can have a sense of being “called by God” to fulfill his purposes in the world.

God’s call stretches us beyond our abilities. Jeremiah said, “But Lord God, I don’t know how to speak. I am only a boy.” (Jeremiah 1:6 NCV) I don’t know how old Jeremiah was when the Lord called him; he response my have been more of his own view of his abilities opposed to his actual age. Many of those God called to special purposes, resisted and felt unqualified. It was true of Moses, Gideon, Saul and we see it in Jeremiah. Usually God calls us to a task that is beyond our abilities. Then we know we have to depend on the Lord and what we do, we do not because of who we are but because of the Lord’s work through our life.

God empowers those He calls. He told Jeremiah “…You must go everywhere I send you, and you must say everything I tell you to say. Don’t be afraid of anyone, because I am with you to protect you,” says the Lord…. Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth. He said to me, “See, I am putting my words in your mouth.” (Jeremiah 1:7-9 NCV) To be used of the Lord Jeremiah realized he had to go where God told him to go and do what God told him to do. His life would not be his own.

The touched Jeremiah’s mouth to “put His word in Him.” This reminds me of the vision of Isaiah in the Temple and the angel who took the coal from the altar and touched his mouth. It reminds me of how Samuel anointed Saul as King and from that moment on Saul was changed.

God gives Jeremiah a “lesson” in being a prophet. The Lord spoke his word to me again: “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a pot of boiling water, tipping over from the north.” The Lord said to me, “Disaster will come from the north and strike all the people who live in this country…” (Jeremiah 1:13,14 NCV) Some times prophets would speak the words the Lord gave them, others times they would see an image or picture and speak the message to the people. The Lord allows Jeremiah to see a “picture or vision” and then gives him the meaning and message.

I believe in this way the Lord was building Jeremiah’s confidence in how to be used by the Lord. When Samuel was a boy and Lord spoke to him in the night, Eli had to help him learn when the Lord was speaking and how to respond. I believe the key for us is, our faith and ability to be used by the Lord is something that does develop over time. We make ourselves available to the Lord; was answer a call, take a step of faith and we grow in that call and the work the Lord has for us.

Jeremiah’s call from the Lord was unique and yours is as well. What applies to all of us is God’s work is done through, obedience, faith and the power He provides.