The Opinion that Counts

Colo Gives 2015This morning after attending a Republican breakfast meeting, I headed to Denver for the annual “Colorado Gives Day” rally on the west steps of the Capitol. The rally to promote this event is something I started six years ago when the goal was to raise one million dollars in 24 hours for Colorado nonprofits. Last year over one million dollars was raised per hour in a 24 hour period. “Colorado Gives Day” is the “brainchild” of Community First Foundation and has been supported by First Bank and other sponsors and the local Denver media. Governor John Hickenlooper read a proclamation at the event. There were all kinds of nonprofits, including Teen Challenge, represented and even a choir singing holiday carols.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… People say that you are alive, but really you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what you have left before it dies completely. I have found that what you are doing is less than what my God wants. So do not forget what you have received and heard. Obey it, and change your hearts and lives. So you must wake up, or I will come like a thief, and you will not know when I will come to you.” Revelation 3:1-3 NCV

As the message comes to the Church in Sardis we see a stark contrast with other churches to this point. Each church so far has had commendable aspects, but was troubled by the presence of false teaching or practices. The Church in Sardis was living an illusion. They had a reputation, “people” had the impression that they were alive, but in the eyes of Him who holds the “seven spirits and seven stars” they were dead.

In the final analysis it doesn’t matter what others believe, it doesn’t matter what you believe about yourself, what matters is the Lord’s opinion? What does He see? What does He say? A friend of mine once told me he had found that working in the highest positions of major corporations, that ” It isn’t the “job you were doing” that matters. What mattered was “how your boss viewed, you were doing your job.” At times that could go both directions. The issue is, human judgment is often incomplete and inaccurate. But the Lord’s assessment is always true.

To this lazy and lethargic church; one that was resting on its reputation, the Lord says, “wake up!” This church did not need “new” revelation. They needed to just remember and apply what they had already received and heard. The danger they were in was having the Lord return when they were not ready. Just like the five foolish virgins in Jesus parable, or Jesus parable about the landowner; the “master” would return when they were not expecting it. They thought the would have time, but they did not.

As the Lord looks at this church He says, “…a few there in Sardis who have kept their clothes unstained, so they will walk with me and will wear white clothes, because they are worthy.” (Rev. 3:4 NCV) Instead of a few being the source of false teaching and sin, this church has only a few that have remained faithful. To these the Lord has special words of encouragement and promise.

“Those who win the victory will be dressed in white clothes like them. And I will not erase their names from the book of life, but I will say they belong to me before my Father and before his angels.”  (Revelation 3:5 NCV)

We can not “coast” our way into the “pearly gates.” We need to be focused and vigilant in our life and even more so as we see the last days approach. From time to time we need an evaluation. We need to look to the Lord and ask Him to search our hearts.

We read in scriptures, “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?..”I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives….” (Jeremiah 17:9-10 NLT)
John in his first letters said, “…we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. (1 John 3:20 NIV)

It takes courage but we need to allow the Lord to “search our hearts.” We need to be willing to hear the truth about our lives. For some your personal estimate may be less than the Lord’s. For others it may be better than what the Lord would say.

I found the words of a song that include this call,

Wake up, wake up, wake up
wake up all you sleepers
Stand up, stand up

Stand up all you dreamers
Hands up, hands up
Hands up all believers
Take up your cross, carry it on

May the Lord when He comes and at all times before, find us faithful and prepared, living for Him and doing what is pleasing to Him.