Those Closest to You….

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY….. Do not be mismatched with unbelievers. For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? What agreement does Christ have with Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 2 Corinthians 6:14,15 HCSB

I remember hearing the comment, “if we can missed the point, we certainly will!” This is a verse I recall from my youth. It was one of those that was more abused than properly used. It seemed to promote a “Christian subculture” and isolation, instead of providing a basis for wise counsel.

My daughter commented just today in reflecting on people she has observed, “those you choose to hang out with have an impact on your life.” That sounds like a summary of these words of Paul.

Paul wrote at the end of  1 Corinthians, “Bad company corrupts, good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:34 NIV)  Perhaps some in this church missed the point and he felt the need to elaborate in his second letter.

Perhaps you have heard a more modern statement of this age-old truth, “Those closest to you determine your level of success.” While that statement is applied not just to character, but is related to personal and business success, the concept is the same.

If you want enjoy success in life and keep yourself from hardship and a variety of challenging issues of life, choose your friends wisely. Make sure that those you are closest to will not undermine your faith and confidence in the Lord.

That doesn’t mean you don’t have a variety of friendships or isolate yourself from unbelievers. It does mean you use wisdom in who you connect with at the deepest levels, who you “partner” with and who exerts the greatest influence on your life.

As we are in D.C. and reconnecting with our friends Paul and Colleen Irwin, I’m reminded how close Christian friends serve as an inspiration and encouragement to your faith and focus.

Life is relationship. They can make you or break you. Choose wisely, “because those closest to you….”

Prayer for today…. Lord than you for friendships. Thank you for those who encourage, challenge and strength me in my faith and personal development. Help me to impact others in a positive way, as I have been impacted by others.”