The Danger Within

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… Its walls are patrolled day and night against invaders, but the real danger is wickedness within the city. Everything is falling apart; threats and cheating are rampant in the streets.”                      Psalm 55:10,11 NLT

As David writes these words, he is facing real and imminent danger from enemy nations. My heart pounds in my chest. The terror of death assaults me. Fear and trembling overwhelm me, and I can’t stop shaking.” (Psalm 55:4,5 NLT) Those are compelling words for the “giant killer” and veteran warrior.

However, as great as the threat was from outside the walls. As much as the eyes of soldiers surveyed the landscape for approaching armies and as they guarded the city, David’s greatest fear and vulnerability was from “within.”

Wickedness, moral decline, evil behavior is the enemy that can’t be easily detected, isolated and eliminated. Great cities and civilizations throughout time have fallen not because of an inadequate army, but because of inward decay. That can be seen in Egypt, it can be observed in the Roman Empire, it can be seen down to the present day as the hearts of people bring a spirit of division that undermines the resolve to stand guard and confront the true enemies.

My wife explained my health crisis and the cause of my near death experience in these words, “Ken you have good antibodies and bad antibodies; your good antibodies are fighting each other so the bad ones are taking over.” Jesus said, “a house divided cannot stand.” (Mark 3:25)

In contrast it is in unity that the Lord’s blessing is found. (Psalm 131). A few who are unified can accomplish much more than a large group that is divided.

As David is facing fears from without and betrayal from within, he makes this his resolve, But I will call on God, and the Lord will rescue me. Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice.” (Psalm 55:16,17 NLT) When there seems to be no one around you can trust, you can find help and a refuge in the Lord. The Lord is not only able to protect, but it is the Lord who can move on the hearts of people and bring the change that can not come through human strategies.

That is why even in our nation, in the midst of the challenges we face and the divisions within, we need to be those who will seek the Lord. We need to be those who will ask the Lord to deal with hearts and to do the work that He alone can do. We need to pray for “God-fearing” leaders who know that human initiatives have their place and their limitations, but only God can do what truly needs to be accomplished.

Prayer to today… “Lord, we need Your help. We need Your divine intervention in the affairs of our life and our world. Bring peace unity to our land and the individuals and families who are living in strife and turmoil. Thank You that You reign as the “Prince of Peace.”