Challenging Words, Exciting Prospects

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY…  “I assure you: The one who believes in Me will also do the works that I do. And he will do even greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in My name, I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:12-14 HCSB

Believing in Jesus, following Jesus, presents the exciting opportunity to do what Jesus did. These words of Jesus present one of the most exciting prospects and at the same time solicits that greatest doubts and fears. When one reads these words I can understand the response of, “really?!”

We look at the apostles and say that was fulfilled by them. We look at uniquely gifted ministers through time that were used in special ways and believe that applies to them. But Jesus says, “The one who believes in me…”

Do you believe in Jesus? Jesus said you are a candidate to do His works. Then Jesus takes it to the “next level.” “And he will do even greater works than these….” What?! Wait a minute! How can one do greater works than Jesus did? I don’t know, but that is what He said.

But these words are not the bestowing of “super powers” to be used at will. We realize that Jesus working through the Holy Spirit is the healer and deliverer and restorer. What is done through faith in Him, is an extension of His ministry, because it is done in “His name.”

When we look at Jesus life, we see His dedication and commitment to time with the Father and sensitivity to the will of the Father. What Jesus did was directed by the Father, What we do, is to be directed by Jesus. We ask, in faith, in His name and He is the one who works.

The challenging words of Jesus, challenge us in our spiritual life and commitment. It calls us to a greater level of prayer, faith and sensitivity to the “leading” of the Holy Spirit. Our call is to obey, and to know the results come from the Lord. As that happens the “Father is glorified in the Son.”

Prayer for today… Lord, expand our faith and allow us to see the ways You desire to use us to touch the lives of others. Thank You for the privilege of asking in Your name and seeing You glorified in the world.