You Can’t Just Sit Around

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY…. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.”  “When good people run things, everyone is glad, but when the ruler is bad, everyone groans.” Proverbs 14:34 NIV: Proverbs 29:2 Msg

Larry Richards, a California truck driver, earned the nickname, “lawnchair Larry” in July 1982, when he attached 45 helium filled weather balloons to his patio chair and soared to a height of 15,000 feet into Las Angeles air space. After surviving the ordeal, he is said to have made the comment, “a guy just can’t sit around!”

When we look at that state of our nation, it is important to do more than “just sit around.” As Christ-followers fulfill their dual role as “citizens of two worlds” it is important for us to function actively and effectively in both arenas. Isolation does not promote the righteousness of God’s kingdom or the interests of our nation.

People have been too often silenced by the adage, “You are not to discuss religion or politics.” If I applied that to my  life with a background as a pastor and elected official, I couldn’t talk to anyone! The reality is that statement applies more to the attitude and approach people take to issues of faith and “politics” more than the topic itself. Reasonable, respectful discussion and conversation is important in both worlds.

In our present culture, we have some unique freedoms and opportunities to have a voice and an influence in selecting those who make decisions and represent citizens in the hall of government. We also have an opportunity to engage in “direct democracy” through voting on ballot initiatives that are decided by voters. Why would we not exercise those privileges that are the foundation of our democratic republic?

It is easy to become cynical and disillusioned. That at times can apply to both the church and the government. But it doesn’t mean we should keep from seeking God’s best for both worlds. Solomon’s observations are still true today, “righteousness exalts a nation…” “when the righteous rule, people rejoice….” 

One of the saddest statistics that I encounter is that evangelical Christians represent the greatest number of unregistered voters! Not just those who don’t vote, but those who have not made the effort to register to vote!

Jesus said, we are the “salt of the earth” and “light of the world.” Salt is no good if it stays in the container. Light in the day time, doesn’t make much of an impact. Believers are not the “salt” and “light” to the Church, but to do the world. There is no greater impact on your life, family and business, than that which takes place through the decisions of elected officials in establishing the laws of the land.

Exercising our duties of citizenship does not replace nor is it more important than our witness for God’s kingdom. But we don’t have to choose. My greatest concern is that the influence of many believers for God’s kingdom is as anemic as their influence in our society through practicing Biblical citizenship.

We have an important election that is taking place. Just don’t sit around!

Prayer for today…. Lord, as I pray for our nation, I pray that those who call themselves by “Your name”, would take to heart the opportunities and privileges that are before us as citizens of this world. Empower and encourage us to be faith citizens of heaven and earth.