Above Reproach

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.” 2 Corinthians 8:20,21 NIV

I have read and taught on 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 numerous times. There are some key financial stewardship concepts in these chapters and in 1 Corinthians 16 where Paul talks about the collection for the saints in Jerusalem. Paul calls for disciplined and systematic giving. (Receiving gifts each week, laying aside [saving] that money.) He talks about giving even in the midst of need. He talks about the importance of “equal sacrifice” or giving according to ones ability. He shares how God is pleased with the cheerful giver. He shares how giving to this need not only meets a material need, but has a spiritual impact on God’s people. He shares the importance of not just having zeal to begin, but the tenacity to finish. He shares how God is faithful to meet the needs of those who give generously.

But what I have overlooked is, in addition to what to do, Paul focuses on how this gift was to be handled. He was doing all that he could do to treat with honor, respect and integrity the sacrificial gift of God’s people.

This gift was being handled by a group of chosen individuals. In speaking of the role of Titus, Paul’s co-worker, he says, What is more, he was chosen by the churches to accompany us as we carry the offering, which we administer in order to honor the Lord himself and to show our eagerness to help.” (2 Corinthians 8:19 NIV)

So it is apparent that a group of men of integrity were chosen to handle these sacred gifts. This included Titus, sent from Jerusalem, along with Paul and those accompanying him from Corinth. Paul said that they were “taking pains to do what is right.” So, often church finances can be handled “loosely” because after all, “we trust” people. But Paul says, there is a way to conduct the handling of finances that is “right” in the eyes of God and the eyes of man.

When I was first elected to the Colorado House; a ballot measure was passed that had very stringent prohibitions for receiving “gifts” from individuals and lobbyists. I recall a fellow newly-elected legislator who was a very successful businessman, repeated on several occasions, “it is imperative that we live above reproach.” He was so concerned that he went above and beyond the strict measures of the legislation.

That is the attitude that God’s people should have when handling God’s finances. There is a scared trust that should require an even greater duty of care, because we want to honor God as well as doing what is right in the eyes of “man.”

God’s people and leaders can be criticized in all kinds of ways. Let’s make sure it is not in our integrity and diligence in handling the sacred trust of money given by people to meet the needs of others and to conduct the work of the gospel. Let’s not follow the standard, let’s raise the standard.

Prayer for today… Lord, thank you for instructions on giving and the proper way to handle those gifts. May we always seek to honor You and to live “above reproach” so the cause of the gospel is not hindered in any way.