Taking God at His Word

Our winter weather is presenting some challenges to navigate around town. But I was out early this morning for a breakfast meeting, before a chiropractor appointment, followed by another meeting. I was able to get to the gym for a workout since I had a couple of days off.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY…  “…the word of the Lord came to him: “This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir.” And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”  And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.”  Genesis 15:4-6 ESV

In the story of Abraham and Sarah, we see that the plan of God is not without human frustrations, doubts and impatience.

Abraham had been following the Lord’s leading and much had taken place since following the call of God. The journey had been difficult, there was a “side trip” to Egypt; tension between the herdsman of Abraham and Lot; there was separation between Abraham and Lot; but then a dramatic rescue mission. Still no offspring to indicate a chance of God’s word being fulfilled.

Abraham is understandably confused. He complains to the Lord that now Lot has gone his own way, the only one to inherit all that he has is his servant. The Lord confronts Abraham with an abrupt response. “This man shall not be your heir…” The Lord then promises Abraham not just a son, but many sons and offspring that cannot be counted.

The simple response of Abraham is that, “he believed the Lord…” We are not sure how old Abraham was, but we do know that Sarah became impatient and as a result Abraham had a son with Hagar. Abraham was 86 at the time. When Abraham was 99 Sarah still did not have a child and Abraham must have been content with the idea that the Lord was fulfilling His promise through Ishmael.

We then see the Lord appearing in human form to Abraham and telling him that Sarah would have a son within the next year. The righteous faith of over a decade ago was now viewed as a cruel joke or as humorous ignorance on the part of the visiting strangers. Apparently they didn’t realize how old Sarah and Abraham really were!

At the “end of the story” we see that scripture focuses on the faith of Abraham that allowed Him to be called, “righteous.” The times of trying to help God out or feeling that the promise was already fulfilled in a different way than anticipated, did not mitigate the initial belief in God’s word and promise.

When we look at this account and other accounts in scripture we see the importance of believing in God’s word. God’s timing is not the same as ours. The way God acts is not what we would expect. He does not always do the same thing in the same way. This calls us to an open-ended trust. It calls us to patience. It call us to avoid trying to “help God out.”

Prayer for today…. Lord, help us to see that the righteous life, is a life of trust. It is a life of taking You at Your word. Often the way You work is to reveal Your power and the fact that “nothing is impossible with God.”