Powerful Prayer

Today will be a busy afternoon in Atlanta. Carter has a Lacross game and Mason as baseball game in close proximity as far as time, but not location. So, this morning is a good time to get ready for a busy afternoon.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY…. “…the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”  James 5:15,16 ESV

As James provides direction for some conditions in life we find prayer and praise at the heart of what he says. Are you suffering? Pray. In times of confusion, anxiety and the perplexities of life, we need to find the solace that can be found in prayer. It is one thing to have people “pray for us” it is another to find that sense of comfort and assurance when we take our needs to the Lord.

The old hymn asks, “Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care? Jesus knows our every weakness take it to the Lord in prayer…..you will find a solace there….”

James asks, “Are you cheerful”? Then sing songs of praise. We can be quick to seek the Lord when in trouble and neglect the Lord when life is good. If we are cheerful, we should give continual thanks to the Lord, recognizing Him as our source and the faithful Lord that He is.

James focus on prayer begins with those who are sick. The suffering that comes from sickness calls us to reach out and to seek the power of prayer found in obedience to God’s Word. We are to call for the Elders of the Church. God has chosen to work through those in whom He has placed spiritual authority and care over God’s people. This community connection is of value in God’s economy.

We see the “together” focus on praying for each other and for confessing our sins to each other. This shows that we are strongest not when we are alone and independent, but when we are together and share in mutual support of each other. We are not to isolate or insulate ourselves in life, especially at the most critical times, but we are to reach out and embrace and be embraced by a community of faith.

James says it is  in praying for others, that we find healing. It is understanding that God uses ordinary people (like Elijah) to do the extraordinary, when we, in faith, obey and trust in the Lord.

Prayer for today…. Lord remind us that we simply need to obey and be willing to ask. To ask of You in prayer and to ask others to pray when we find ourselves in need. Help us to remember that You call us to a life of mutual support and encouragement. Healing, forgiveness, comfort and power is found when we pray.