
Joy and Peace in Believing

Today I returned to physical and occupational therapy at Northern Colorado Rehabilitation Hospital. My assessments showed some improvement since the last time some of the strength and range of motion tests were done; so that is good. Outside of that not too much exercise. My occupational therapist did have me use a small stair stepper;(…)


He Won’t Give Up

He Won’t Give Up

This has been an interesting weather day. Fall must be on its way. I’m glad that I got out with the dog during our brief morning time of sun and warmth. I had a good visit with my palliative care nurse today. We are working on the coordination of a care plan with all of(…)


Taking Grace for Granted

Taking Grace for Granted

The middle of my day ended up being fairly full. I attended a luncheon event for Governor candidate Bob Beauprez. It was good to connect with some political people here in Fort Collins. I then had an appointment with my Urologist in Greeley. Debbie met me and we made the trip over to his office(…)


Not Taking Life for Granted

Not Taking Life for Granted

It has been good to get caught up on some rest after a busy weekend. Debbie and I attended the late service at Timberline Church and began our new ministry as part of the prayer team after the weekend worship services. We went through the training and gained appreciation for the thoughtful preparation that is(…)




I drove to Denver today for the Teen Challenge banquet. On my way I stopped and visited my Aunt Margaret Shuler (my dad’s sister) along with my Aunt Paula Baer. I also stopped and visited our friends, James and Carie Ruder and dad Larry. I will share more about those contacts over the next few(…)
