Resurrected to Rule

After a restless night, I tried to make it up with some rest during the day. I did take advantage of some “cyber Monday” buys for Christmas cards. I also had a work out at the fitness center and made my final preparations for my teaching session with the men’s group at church tonight. BIBLE(…)


Marked or Sealed

Today has been a laid back type of day. I have enjoyed working on my lesson for our men’s group tomorrow night. I have also been given the opportunity to preview an upcoming e-book on the life and ministry of Missionary Ken Godbey. Debbie’s challenge was having her car battery die as she was out(…)


Patience and Faith

Today was another cold and snowy day. It is also Debbie’s birthday! She made it through another year of life and another year of encouraging and helping me in my recovery. We eat the same diet, so I’m not sure how she stays in such good shape and my shape is….more challenging.  BIBLE VERSE FOR(…)


A Position of Privilege

With cold and snow the family stayed an extra night and returned to Denver at midday. It was good to have them hear and to enjoy our time together. Bridget brought a puzzle and did the work by herself. I wasn’t as much help as two years ago after I got out of the hospital.(…)


Always Thankful

Our house was buzzing this morning with the activity of grand kids and the preparations for our Thanksgiving meal. It was good to have Christian and Bridget, Riley, Caedmon and Eliana join us last night. My mom has been with us the last few days and Debbie’s sister and her husband, Sue and Sam Schmidt(…)


Radiance and Glory

This morning I had a meeting with some directors of residential assisted living centers. It was interesting to discover how many there are in our area and the important role they fill in the care of seniors. I hope to be able to assist them with some of their legislative priorities this next session. BIBLE(…)
