Repetition for a Reason

When it comes to me and my activities, “no news is good news.” I’m glad I continue to be active and pain free! Debbie is a continuing a prolonged transition from being a case manager to being an “R.N. Resource Specialist”. This will lighten her work load and allow her to support and mentor other(…)


Stewardship or Lordship

Greetings friends! I am pleased to be doing much better than anytime in the past two years. Back to working out and losing weight. Debbie is in the process of a job assignment change that will give her, hopefully, a lighter schedule and ease her into retirement. During the time all the family was together(…)


Pressing Toward the Goal

Here we are on day three of a New Year, 2019. We used to live our life when we were young in years, now it seems marked by decades. Although as I get older, I revert to a “year at a time.” We had a good time with all of our family, the cousins connected,(…)
