The God Who Intervenes

Today after conducting some Bible devotionals at Morning Star Assisted Living, I headed back to the Capitol to testify on a “access to physical therapy bill.” The committee hearing on the bill took about three hours. I was the last to testify. I am pleased the bill passed on a 10-3 vote. Now on to(…)


The King is in the House – Part 2

Today, I enjoyed connecting for lunch with Pastor Steve Harris. I then traveled to Denver for a meeting on a physical therapy bill that I am working on. An accident near 6th Ave blocked traffic, so the highway traffic to the north was much lighter, which helped me to get home in decent time. BIBLE(…)


The King is in the House

Today I conducted the chapel services at Morning Star Assisted Living. After a rough night, I caught on some rest and am getting ready for a busy week ahead. BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY…  “When they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage at the Mount of Olives, Jesus then sent two disciples, telling them, “Go into the(…)


Christian Life in Contrast

Most of the day I spent at the Larimer County Republican Assembly. It was a large crowd and my first event of this kind to attend since our move to Fort Collins. It was good to see many people that I know and to meet some new friends. I resisted allowing myself to be nominated(…)


Surrounded by God’s Love

For someone who has spent most of his life with a calendar full of activities and very few nights at home, I can’t believe how I have adjusted to and enjoy a day without appointments and pressing activities. I guess that is what happens after spending several months in a hospital. So, this morning I(…)


Spiritual Blessings

We returned to a touch of winter today. Cold with some snow flurries. After a morning conference call, I headed off to my Chiropractor appointment. Then before my afternoon fitness workout, Mike Patrick (Patrick Plumbing and Heating) came to give me an estimate on some work in our basement. I was delighted to find out(…)
