God’s Evidence

We have had rain for most of the day. That at least makes it easier to feel better about staying inside and getting rest. I did get some office work done, so I didn’t feel completely lazy today. I am still in the process of recovering completely from my recent illness, taking it one day(…)


Better the Soil, Better the Crop

I slept better last night and was able to even rest well this morning after being up for a while. I was able to get myself going and made a trip to Lakewood to assist in the celebration of the life of Louise Robb. It was a special “family” service. Son-in-law Dave lead the service(…)


Good Things from the Lord

After a not so good night of rest, I did check in with my primary care physician. Fortunately, nothing of significance or concern from the lab work, which is good. She did prescribe some cough medicine to help me sleep at night. I believe that will help as I stay on my anti-biotic regimen. Today,(…)


Sweet Revenge?

I slept better last night and have been resting most of the day. But I believe I am feeling better. My rest, allowed Debbie to get some much needed rest from her busy schedule and taking care of me. We have experienced a nice rain and the clouds have dispelled the higher temps from earlier(…)



We have had a different July 4th. I had another tough night. I began feeling better after being up for a while; however, we thought it best to head to the urgent care center. It was good to see Nurse Practioner, Lisa Myers who I had seen almost two years when I began to experience(…)


The Lordship Portion

I’m glad I had a better night of rest and continue to heal from my mole surgery. Debbie was off today, so I’m pleased that she will have a long weekend. I was able to get out and get a little yard work done before some needed rest and an afternoon massage appointment. It seems(…)
