Wrath or Refuge

Today was busy day for me. I was able to manage without a nap and pushed through my schedule. I had three meetings this morning by the time 11 a.m. arrived, which is unusual for my schedule. After some work at home and lunch, I set off for over three hours of appointments and errands.(…)


Trying to Fool God

This has been a nice day to get work done. Debbie and I enjoyed our first morning coffee time on our patio. Then most of the day has been Debbie working inside the house and me working outside. I’m not able to get as much done in the time I have as I used to,(…)


The Promise of God’s Presence

We had a day of travel to Lakewood. We spent most of the time with Christian and Bridget and kids, waiting on word for Riley’s baseball games. The word finally came that they were cancelled for today. What started out as a nice sunny day, was interrupted by another rain storm. If I get another(…)


A Stable Faith

Today, I found out that I’m not a good garage sale person. Our neighborhood is holding their annual garage sale and after having a few items out for about an hour, I had reached the limit of my patience. So, I took the few items we had to my neighbor girls and told them to(…)


Staying on Track

I have noticed some increased a fatigue in the past couple of days. I’m not sure if it is related to my body acclimating to  the Chiropractic adjustments or just the Myasthenia Gravis. After an afternoon nap, I did ride my bike to the fitness center for a workout. It has been a few weeks(…)


Fraud Protection

Today, I had my Chiropractor appointment and then came home to plant some flowers in my garden. I have been a little more fatigued today than I anticipated. But fortunately my dog is always willing to keep me company if I need to lay down. A big event for today was Steve Grimes, coming to(…)
