How do you Handle Stress?

Our snowy weather continues, but not as bad as the Denver area. I had a good hour and a half workout today at the fitness center. It was my fourth workout this week, which is good for me. After over 30 minutes on the exercise bike, I did my five minutes on the treadmill. I(…)


Following the Leader…or Not

I had a good day at my outpatient therapy session today. I have benefited as much as possible on the Occupational Therapy side of my recovery. So, they will discharge me and I will continue to work on my arm and shoulder strength and range of motion issues with the exercises that I have learned.(…)


Keep on Asking

After my morning prayer meeting with some pastors and leaders, I had my final appointment with my fitness trainer. I feel like I have made enough progress and have enough routines to be on my own for the next month or two. Tomorrow I return to Northern Colorado Rehab Hospital for an outpatient appointment. I(…)


Character Makes the Difference

Character Makes the Difference

Today was restful Monday. We had just a little snow over night; just enough to leave a good blanket of snow on the trees and add to the four inches or so of accumulation on the ground. I did start working on my tax return for 2014. It will be nice when that process is(…)


Staying Near to God

One year ago today, I was taken by ambulance to the hospital in septic shock. This is the time that Debbie says, she was watching my life gradually drift away. I am thankful for the training the staff at Poudre Valley Hospital had just completed on treating septic shock. I believe I was the first(…)


Possessing the Promise Land

The winter storm is coming, but not as vigorous as anticipated, at least at this point. Before being out and about and running some errands today, Debbie and I had breakfast with Sue and Sam Schmidt (Debbie’s sister and her husband)  Cheryl and Mike Pierson (Debbie’s cousin and her husband) We enjoyed our breakfast and(…)
