

I made it safely to Atlanta and had help all the way from the ramp of the plane to the parking lot where Stephanie’s car was located. Thanks to James, who has just been working at Harstfield-Jackson International Airport for two months, for his service. The day ended up being fairly exhausting and my water(…)


Dreams Can Be Dangerous

I am at DIA waiting for my flight to Atlanta. My flight has just been delayed 50 minutes and the gate moved. That means I will need to find someone to help me move to the opposite end of the concourse to the new gate. Jim Szakmeister drove me to the airport and helped me(…)


Despised…For Us

Despised…For Us

Today I was working on some loose ends preparing for my trip to Atlanta. I started the packing process and was interrupted by a phone call from my daughter Stephanie. When I finished the call and turned around to put more clothes in my suitcase I notice our dog had jumped in  and made himself(…)


Final Verses

Final Verses

This morning I attended the morning prayer time with some leaders and county officials. The “quote of the day” that stood out to me during the devotional was something like this: “people are not offended by your position as much as your disposition.” Since the Colorado Legislature officially begins tomorrow I am reminded of all(…)


All You Need

All You Need

The Christmas decorations are down (at least on the inside) and we are ready for the new year. Yesterday, I tried to remove some snow from my drive way with my riding lawn mower. It seemed to work pretty good. It removed most of the snow. Just after I got suck my neighbor saw me(…)


Someone is Watching

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”  Proverbs 24:3,4 When we read through the Bible we are reminded that many things have not changed over the course of history. One of those is the importance(…)
