Life-Long Learning

Life-Long Learning

I think I experienced some fatigue today from my schedule yesterday. I did have my massage appointment which resulted in discovering some tighter muscles and joints than in previous sessions. I need the massage after therapy to recover from therapy, and then I need a nap to recover from the massage! I have been reading(…)


Walk in His Ways

Walk in His Ways

Today has been a good day. I had a good session of therapy at Northern Colorado Rehab Hospital, I then enjoyed connecting with Pastor Steve Harris for lunch and then I returned home to meet up with some of my senior softball team players. They made the trip to Fort Collins after their game today(…)


Blame God – Fear God

Blame God – Fear God

Today marks the year anniversary of my hospitalization with West Nile Virus. It has been quite a journey indeed and one that continues to unfold. Our friend Cyndy Luzinski brought by some cupcakes made by daughters Anna and Sarah to mark this special day. Also, we received a beautiful flower arrangement from our daughter Stephanie.(…)


My Rehab Verse

My Rehab Verse

Today has seemed like a day of recovery from my long weekend. But it was worth the effort to make this past weekend work out. I appreciate Debbie’s hard work to help me get from place to place since I was using my manual wheelchair. The highlight of my day was having my Aunt Paula(…)


Giving Thanks to the Lord

Giving Thanks to the Lord

It is good to be home! We had an enjoyable weekend but a busy one. It was really my first time to be out and about in a large group with a busy schedule. Debbie and I enjoyed the Western Conservative Summit, but it was taxing as well. By the end of today, I was(…)


Don’t Forget to Remember

Don’t Forget to Remember

Today was a full day at the Western Conservative Summit. The event this year has attempted to balance inspiration from nationally acclaimed speakers with a focus on the arts and music. That has made for variety but also a challenge to keep everything on schedule. Senator Ted Cruz the capstone speaker did not get introduced(…)
