Overcoming Resentment

 I had my weekly physical therapy session today. I practiced getting off the floor and pushing myself up into a chair. That is still a difficult task. Just when I think my legs are getting stronger I have some reminders of how far I still need to go. However, I am making progress! The last(…)




ODE TO ISLA We received a text today from Tom and Judy Price which reminded us that it was three years ago today that my mother-in-law Isla (Ila) Kercher passed away. Isla was a truly unique and wonderful person and a faithful follower of Christ, loyal to her church, one who loved her family.Isla was(…)


Bob & Sherilyn Cook

Bob & Sherilyn Cook

It was great to have Bob and Sherilyn Cook come for a visit today. Bob and Sherilyn have been longtime friends and pastor Victory Life Church in Grand Junction. It was good to see them again and get them caught up on my progress. (Picture above me with Bob and Sherilyn and Steve Harris) We(…)


Rest is good

Rest is good

Rest is good. Today was a good recuperation day. I actually took two almost hour long naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It was good to rejuvenate after some big work out days this past week. It was a special treat to have Gary Harkness and his son Grant come for(…)


Handicap van is back from the shop

Handicap van is back from the shop

Yesterday with the help of Ted and Murlene Grizzle we picked up our handicap van from the body shop. It looks good as new and was cleaner than most vehicles since it was not out on the roads with the melting snow. We got the van back in time for a trip to the NuMotion(…)


Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY  Prov. 31:30,31 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. The last part of Proverbs 31 has brought cringes and challenges for women for(…)
