Making the Most of Each Day

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalms 90:12 NIV I receive a daily email from Baseball Manager Clint Hurdle ( that contains devotionals and blogs of inspiration. Today in the “Monday Thinking” post the following entry below caught my attention. It reminded me of the practicality and(…)


Making the Right Choice

I usually write my own devtions and thoughts. But I found this worth sharing. Dave Burchett is an Emmy Award-winning television sports director for Fox Sports, ESPN, and NBC, with a background in radio. He and his wife, Joni, are former staff members of Campus Crusade’s Athletes in Action. I’m Done! by Dave Burchett I have(…)


The Unexpected Miracle

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY: “…some people brought to him a paralytic, lying on a bed. And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.” Matthew 9:2 ESV             It was one of those times when the familiar became alive with new impact and meaning. Pastor Trevor Hindman was sharing(…)


A Summer(s) Christmas

Bible Verse for Today:    But when she saw him, [the Angel] she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was.  Luke 1:29 NKJV When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. Matthew 2:3 NKJV         Here we are Christmas Day in Mississippi at my nephew’s house with his(…)


The Turning Point

Bible Verse for Today: “At that time the Lord began to make Israel smaller…” 2 Kings 10:32 NCV This brief statement important not to overlook. In some ways it seems strange in terms of its timing. King Jehu of Israel led one of the few revivals. He ended Baal worship, destroyed the family of wicked(…)


God’s Way

Bible Verse for Today: Because they did not know the way that God makes people right with him, they tried to make themselves right in their own way. So they did not accept God’s way of making people right. Romans 10:3 NCV I recall many years ago a man saying to me, “I try to(…)
