Wise Use of Power

This morning it was a special treat to have Former Senator John Andrews as the guest speaker at Timberline Allies men’s ministry breakfast. John shared his testimony of faith and challenged men to be a “link” in the chain that leads others to Christ.  We then had the opportunity to meet with Dick Foth. I(…)


Why God Does What He Does

This ended up being a good day. Nice summer weather. I got out on my bike for the first time this season. We said goodbye to our neighbors of the last three years Jeff and Jan Steiner. Jeff is returning to Washington D.C. to work for USDA in a research capacity. We enjoyed a “last(…)


The Test of New Life

This afternoon I spent in Denver at the Capitol. My scheduled meeting with a State Senator was delayed because of final action on the sate budget bill. This evening my sister Nathalee, who came in from Grand Junction, and I went to dinner with my mother in recognition of her 91st birthday. She is having(…)


Caution: Traps Ahead

Today, Bill Nation, came to work on some grading issues in front of our house. Bill was actually  one my respiratory therapists when I was in the Rehab Hospital. He has a background in construction and his help was greatly appreciated. I had workout with my trainer today. Even though I wasn’t sure how strong(…)


Walk Worthy of the Lord

After a lighter schedule yesterday and more difficult day physically; I had a busier day today and was able to “hang in there” fairly well.  I had my morning “prayer connection” downtown and then Bible Study at Morning Star Assisted Living. After being home for about an hour, I had my Rotary Club lunch and(…)


What Would You Choose?

Not an overly exciting day from what was on my calendar, but I was pleased to receive notice that sample hard copies of my book may be ready in two weeks. That is certainly exciting. After months and weeks of work and waiting, it seems the process is speeding up. I will keep you informed(…)
