Preparing to Receive What Was Promised

I felt I had a good productive day today. After my Chiropractor appointment, I was able to get caught up on some office work. The I had a phone conversation and an afternoon meeting about some future possibilities. It is good to know that I still have years of usefulness ahead and hope to re-engage soon in some areas that match my abilities and passion.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… Obey the commands of the Lord your God, living as he has commanded you and respecting him.  The Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land with rivers and pools of water, with springs that flow in the valleys and hills, a land that has wheat and barley, vines, fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil, and honey.  It is a land where you will have plenty of food, where you will have everything you need, where the rocks are iron, and where you can dig copper out of the hills.”  Deuteronomy 8:6-9

Deuteronomy is more than a recitation of the law for a new generation. It was Moses farewell address and his last act of leadership to prepare God’s people to enter the promised land. Moses knew he was not going to enter the land and was preparing Joshua to assume his leadership position. He could have just “faded into the sunset” a resentful old man from all the hardships he endured. Instead, he demonstrates true integrity and leadership to do his best to prepare the new generation to inherit the land promised to their forefathers. The dream was becoming a reality, but the challenges remained.

Moses communicates the purpose for the wandering in the wilderness. He could have summarized it by saying, “we were waiting for the grumblers to die.” But the lessons were not just for the past generation, but for the present generation. “…He wanted to know what was in your heart. He wanted to know if you would obey his commands. He took away your pride when he let you get hungry, and then he fed you with manna… During these forty years, your clothes did not wear out, and your feet did not swell.” (Deu. 8:2-4)

The wilderness was not just a waiting ground, it was a testing ground a training ground. Sometimes we believe we are ready to move in a new direction to accomplish something great in our life or for God. But often we need some preparation. We need to  know what it takes to be victorious and if we are “up to the task.”

Moses communicates the promise for the future. As Moses describes the richness of what awaits in the promised land, it had to create a sense of anticipation in the hearts of the Children of Israel. He told them it is a land where, “you will have everything you need.” After forty years in the wilderness, they had to have been eager and ready to move forward.

Good leaders are able to paint compelling pictures of what the future will hold if a mission or task is successful. There may be battles that will need to be won to secure the “prize” or “promise” but when you are able to see the reward that is ahead, it serves as a powerful motivation.

Moses communicates the power for success. “…today remember that the Lord your God goes in before you to destroy them like a fire that burns things up. He will defeat them ahead of you, and you will force them out and destroy them quickly, just as the Lord has said.the Lord your God will force them out ahead of you, to keep his promise to your ancestors, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”. (Deu. 9:3,5)

Victory would come through trusting and obeying the Lord. As the Lord brought down the Egyptians He would bring down the nations in Canaan as a judgment against them. The Lord warned the people, that they would be successful not because of their goodness or ability, but because of the Lord’s power and faithfulness to fulfill His promise.

Moses communicates the penalty for disobedience.  “If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods and worship them and bow down to them, I warn you today that you will be destroyed. Just as the Lord destroyed the other nations for you, you can be destroyed if you do not obey the Lord your God.” (Deu. 8:19,20)

The Lord was bringing His people into the land to fulfill His promise to their forefathers. But they had to be the “people of the land of promise.” They were not to be just freed slaves, they were not to be like the people the Lord would drive from the land. They were to be and live as the people of the Holy God. They were to trust, obey and honor.

I believe leaders can learn from Moses. I believe we can all learn that what we are able to accomplish, does not come from our own ability or strength. It comes from God’s faithfulness. The key to entering the “promise” is trusting the Lord and wholeheartedly serving Him.