Life Forever

It seems like it has been a while since we have had a Sunday with no agenda. It was good to get rested and to enjoy a day that felt more like a fall day, than a summer day.

I had a good stretch of time working outside and some computer work and then my normal routine of a workout at the pool and a walk with the dog.

While I will be going through some repeated tests with my Neurologist, I have felt stronger lately. I need to focus some attention on some specific exercise and reconnect with my trainer at the fitness center and see if I can push myself to the next level.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY…. So as one sin of Adam brought the punishment of death to all people, one good act that Christ did makes all people right with God. And that brings true life for all...And this brings life forever through Jesus Christ our Lord.”  Romans 5:18,21 NCV

Romans chapter 5 begins with a declaration that should bring hope and encouragement to all. Since we have been made right with God by our faith, we have peace with God. This happened through our Lord Jesus Christ, who through our faith has brought us into that blessing of God’s grace that we now enjoy.” (Romans 5:1,2)

The sacrifice of Christ and His resurrection has brought those who place their faith in Christ into a relationship with God and an eternal hope that those from the time of Adam could only strive for and anticipate. Being “right with God” is no easy task. It requires sinless perfection, it requires obeying the law in spirit and in deed. It is….impossible.

God’s plan when He created Adam was for His highest creation to know Him and have fellowship with Him. However, Adam’s sin brought the “punishment of death to all people.” Talk about consequences for ones actions. So many people have the idea that what they do doesn’t impact anyone else. We know that is not the case today and the fact that our sin has consequences on others, has its roots in Adam’s sin.

But the good news is that one man, Jesus Christ, through His life and sacrifice did for all people what they could not do for themselves. So, we see in Adam, one man’s life brought death to all, but in Christ one mans’ death brought life to all.

This is how Paul said it in his first letter to the Corinthians, “Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life.” (1 Cor. 15:22 NLT) And this new life brings us “peace with God.” That is something to rejoice in and to rest in .

Many people have doubts about their standing before God. The lack confidence and it is shown in their anxiety about life and the future. They may wrestle with feelings of guilt and insecurity because of their past or even recent events. But if we place our faith in Jesus Christ and trust in Him, we can rest secure knowing we are forgiven, that we have new life and this life is forever through Jesus Christ our Lord.

As I read this passage, I began to ask myself the question, “Do I  truly understand what Christ has done for me and the difference it makes in my life?” We must not let a familiar truth to be taken for granted. One man brought death for all, one man brought life for all…life everlasting. Which man do you align yourself with? It makes all the difference in how you live your life and the peace and blessings you can experience.