Looking Out for Others

The summer must be coming to an end, we had a good group back to our Tuesday morning prayer time with county officials. It was a good time together of sharing and prayer. After some “office” work, I had a dentist appointment for a new crown. I’m glad it went well. I then began my new regimen of workout sessions with a trainer at the fitness center. I’m looking forward to those sessions, pushing me forward to full recovery.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY…  When you do things, do not let selfishness or pride be your guide. Instead, be humble and give more honor to others than to yourselves.  Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others.”  Philippians 2:3,4

The theme for our current culture seems to be “look for out for number 1!” meaning yourself. In a self-centered world it seems like every one lives by the “reverse golden rule.” One that says, “do to others, before they do to you!” We are constantly reminded that “personal happiness” is king; don’t trust anyone else.

As I read these first few verses of Philippians chapter 2 they got my attention in a fresh way. Paul asks a series of questions, they appear to be rhetorical, but I’m not sure you can count on it. He asks, Does your life in Christ give you strength? Does his love comfort you? Do we share together in the spirit? Do you have mercy and kindness?” (Phil. 2:1-2) Read those thoughtfully. I find it is easy to say a quick “yes!” to the first two and then they become more challenging, “do we share the together in the spirit?” let me see… “sure, I think so.”  “Do you have mercy and kindness?” “I hope so…do you mean personally or are you talking about what I have received from Christ?”

Paul begins by focusing believers on what we have in Christ and have received from Him. He then calls them to a unity and an “others-centered” life. “Don’t let selfishness and pride be your guide?” Are you sure you know what you are asking, Paul? I tell people that for years I heard the adage, “it is amazing what  a group of people can accomplish if no one is concerned about who gets the credit.” Then I served in the State Legislature and found out that in politics, it is all about “who gets the credit.” And it you don’t fight for your name to be on the right bill and in the headlines, someone else will!

Guess what? It seems the problems of our day, were present in Paul’s day. That is why he challenged first century believers to be humble, and to honor others….are you ready, “more than yourself.” He goes on and says be interested in the lives of others, not just your own life.

What does that require? Personal security and confidence in knowing who you are and “whose” you are. That is why Paul goes on and gives the example of Christ. He was equal with God, but humbled Himself to God’s plan and came to this earth as a man, taking on the form of the lowest of servants and giving His life on the cross. Through humility Christ was exalted by God to the “highest place” and “given a name about all names.” (Phil. 2:9)

Peter learned this lesson and shared it in his first letter, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you…”  (1 Peter 5:6)

Christ calls us to a different focus and value system than what we see in the world around us. The way to honor is through humility and bringing out the best in others; to serve others. It doesn’t mean we become “limp-dish-rags” that are vulnerable to be used and abused by others. But it calls us to live our lives by Christ’s example and to trust in Him to be our strength and source of confidence in life.