God’s Revelation

I stayed up late last night to see the Broncos win their game and Kansas City to win the World Series. Today we enjoyed a visit from our friend Carol Roberts and then later in the afternoon, I went for a workout with Stephanie to their local YMCA. We have had a good visit and will return home tomorrow.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY…. I will show how great I am. I will show my holiness, and I will make myself known to the many nations that watch. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”  Ezekiel 38:23 NCV

Ezekiel is a book of prophecy that addresses God’s people in rebellion, pronounces coming judgment and then promises future restoration. However, it is also a book with images and references to end time events. As the prophet warns of the invasion of  Gog from the north it not only relates to future events during Ezekiels day, but future events in our day as well. Famed Bible Commentator Matthew Henry relates Ezekiel 38 to the events of Revelation 18.

 “You will attack my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land. This will happen in the days to come when I bring you against my land. Gog, then the nations will know me when they see me prove how holy I am in what I do through you.” (Ezekiel 38:16 NCV)

In the Book of Ezekiel at least twelves times prophecies are spoken to nations and God’s people that contain the words, “then they will know that I am the Lord” or something similiar.

We see that the Lord through His actions reveals Himself to His prophet. Ezekiel speaks to false prophets concerning the Lords judgment,  “I will punish the prophets who see false visions and prophesy lies…and they will not enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord God.” Ezekiel 13:9 NCV As the Lord begins to work through Ezekiel the first thing He does is to make sure that Ezekiel has a clear revelation and confidence in his God.

This past weekend, I heard a statment that got my attention. It had to do with not just, “bellieving in God, but believing God.” It is on thing to say, “I believe in God.” That gives credance to  God’s existence. But when someone “believes God” and takes Him at His Word, it compels obedience and action. As Ezekiel recevied His own revelation of God, He knew that the Lord would do what He said He would do.

We see that the Lord through His actions reveals Himself to His people. The Lord speaks to His people and says, “Keep my Sabbaths holy, and they will be a sign between me and you. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.” (Ezekiel 20:20 NCV) God revealed Himself to His people through blessing for their obedience and through judgement for their disobedience. We consistenly see the Lord desires His people of all people to “know” Him and to obey Him and to experience all the blessings He has for them.

“Then they will know that I, the Lord their God, am with them. The nation of Israel will know that they are my people, says the Lord God.” (Ezekiel 34:30 NCV)

We see that the Lord through His actions reveals Himself to nations. When I make the land of Egypt empty and take everything that is in the land, when I destroy all those who live in Egypt, then they will know that I am the Lord.” (Ezekiel 32:15 NCV) The Lord through Ezekiel, like other prophets, speaks to “the nations” about God’s judgment on them. Even those who did not recognize the Lord God, would find who the true and living God really is. Through His sovereign power and the words of His prophets and the judgments that would come and the protection of His people the Lord was revealing Himself to the nations.

This is certainly what we see when Christ returns. There may be all kinds of explanations to end time events from “global warming” to “alien invasions” to whatever the human mind will use to rationalize away God’s activity in the events of the world; but a time will come when “every eye will see Him” (Revelation 1:7) and “every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:10,11) In that moment all people will know that “the Lord He is God.”

What makes the greatest impact on a life is embracing on a personal level, the reality of the Lord and embracing relationship with Him.. That involves not just “believing in” but “believing God.” Living by faith, trusting your life each day to the Lord, and taking Him at His Word is the path to peace and blessing.