Assurance in the Face of Defeat

It was good to have Christian and Bridget and the kids come up on Sunday afternoon and spend the night. They helped get some furniture set up in our downstairs bedrooms. They probably come looking forward to a time to “get away” swim and relax and we usually have a list of items we need help with. This morning I met with Melanie Coletta, who serves as a “campus evangelist” at the University of Colorado. She connects with students, shares her story of faith, teaches Bible studies and connects in supportive relationships.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… But God is my helper. The Lord keeps me alive!” Psalm 54:4 NLT

This psalm of David was written when his life was in danger. This is one of the few Psalms that gives its historical context in the title. The prelude to the Psalms says, “…regarding the time the Ziphites came to Saul and said, “we know were David is hiding.”

That sets the context of betrayal and the impending approach of David’s enemies. In these times panic and fear are easy to take control and to hinder your “next steps” and the course of action that you take.

David’s first response is to turn to the Lord and to seek His help, Come with great power, O God, and rescue me!
Defend me with your might.” (Psalm 54:1 NLT)

Not that the news of the situation was a surprise to God, but David tells the Lord of his situation and how dire it is. For strangers are attacking me; violent people are trying to kill me.” (Psalm 54:3 NLT) At times those types of prayers are as much for our good, than they are to “get God’s attention.” When we rehearse our circumstances it cements our need for the Lord’s intervention. We are reminded that this situation is beyond our ability to rescue ourselves.

David then affirms God’s help and the security of his life in God’s hands. As the Psalm comes to an end we see the anticipation of David offering sacrifices to the Lord as a result of the Lord sparing his life. David is looking beyond the present circumstances to his commitment to worship the Lord who “keeps me alive.!” 

“I will sacrifice a voluntary offering to you; I will praise your name, O Lord, for it is good. For you have rescued me from my troubles and helped me to triumph over my enemies.” (Psalm 54:6,7 NLT)

The Lord’s past faithfulness to David bolsters his confidence the face of the present opposition.

I have found that since my health crisis, some verses that in the past would be easy to gloss over, take on new meaning. Such is the case when I read, But God is my helper. The Lord keeps me alive!” We can possess a confidence in living, when “God is our helper.” We can be confident that when our life is in his hands, He is able to sustain us and “keep us alive” until our days on this earth have come their end.

David faced real danger from real enemies with swords and spears. The attacks that come against us will have a variety of forms. It may be illness and a health crisis. It might be a personal attack, designed to destroy our character as much as our physical life. Whatever the situation or circumstance, we can have assurance in the face of impending defeat when we affirm, “God is my helper. The Lord keeps me alive!”

Prayer for today…. Lord, our ultimate security does not come through ourselves and our resources. It comes from knowing and trusting in You. Thank You for giving us the confidence we need to face present challenges by reminding us of Your faithfulness in the past.