Peer Pressure

edited_1476386064046This morning, I got up early enough to ride along as Stephanie took the boys to school. Later in the afternoon, I traveled to the Atlanta Convention Center for a National Power-lifting Competition. I went to cheer on a friend from my Rotary Club. He set a national record in the bench press for his weight and age. Dave Robinson is 75.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY…My child, if sinners entice you, turn your back on them!” Proverbs 1:10 NLT

As I consider this verse and those that follow, the enticement to do evil, reminds me of some of the pressures faced in our world today, especially by youth today.

There is the appeal to come join us! In other words, “we can do this together, you won’t be alone.” “We will be in this together. They may say, “Come and join us….Just for fun, let’s ambush the innocent! Think of the great things we’ll get!” (Proverbs 1:11-13 NLT)

The risks are minimized and the rewards are exaggerated. “We’ll fill our houses with all the stuff we take.Come, throw in your lot with us; we’ll all share the loot.” (Proverbs 1:13,14 NLT)

They become blind to the “trap” they are setting themselves up for. “They rush to commit evil deeds...these people set an ambush for themselves; they are trying to get themselves killed. (Proverbs 1:16,18 NLT)

The advice and wisdom of Solomon is, “turn your back on them.” That is more than “just say ‘no’.” It is a call to change your friends and environment.My child, don’t go along with them! Stay far away from their paths.” (Proverbs 1:15 NLT)

The wise are those who guard themselves by listening to the counsel and discipline of parents. My child, listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction.What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck.” (Proverbs 1:8,9 NLT)

The wise learn from others. “…Let those with understanding receive guidance. “ (Proverbs 1:5 NLT) Wisdom is personified in this appeal, Come and listen to my counsel. I’ll share my heart with you and make you wise. (Proverbs 1:23 NLT)

Those who reject the call of wisdom, do so to their own peril and ruin. While the voice of  temptation, lures and entices, wisdom, “shouts!” Wisdom shouts in the streets. She cries out in the public square...How long will you mockers relish your mocking? How long will you fools hate knowledge? (Proverbs 1:20,22 NLT)

As in so many arenas in life, choosing the wrong path vs. the right path; pain or victory depends on what “voice” you listen to. Do we listen to wisdom that “shouts” or the words of temptation that “entice”?

Prayer for today…. Lord, help us to be wise in our decisions and be on guard for the influence of others. We pray especially for youth in our sphere of influence and our communities to be protected and choose the way of wisdom.