God’s People in Government

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph’s finger. He dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck. He had him ride in a chariot as his second-in-command, and people shouted before him, “Make way!” Thus he put him in charge of the whole land of Egypt.” Genesis 41:42-43

Joseph, Daniel and his three friends, Esther are all names that we associate as God’s people serving in positions of influence in “secular” governments. They were God’s people in the right place at the right time, honoring God, and being a source of wisdom and principle in a time of crisis.

Joseph was in power to not only save the nation of Egypt, but to save the future nation of Israel, by providing a refuge for Jacob’s household during a famine. Esther became Queen and was in a position to save God’s people from a plot of annihilation. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego choose to honor God and it resulted in them being granted positions of influence in Babylon.

Each of these were in their position to fill a greater and higher calling than to just be a servant in government. God used them in a unique way that resulted in God’s name being honored by the highest officials.

The advancement of God’s kingdom is not because of government. But God’s people honoring God in the places that He opens up for them is an opportunity for the wisdom of God to have an influence in a nation.

When I was elected to the State House in 2006, I was pleased to find a number of individuals who were committed followers of Christ or those who held strong Christian beliefs. I know this was far different from the 1980’s when I was serving on a local school board and was acquainted with the dynamics and make-up at the State Capitol.

In this year’s Presidential election cycle I know that there were at least four candidates who are individuals of strong, even outspoken faith. I saw the same thing in some candidate’s for the US Senate from Colorado. Many of these publicly espoused their deeply held faith.

People often asked me, “Are there any committed Christians in government?” If you look at all levels of government, you will find God’s people “sprinkled” into various levels, filling all kinds of positions and roles. This is true on a state and national level. We live in challenging and changing times. We need to understand that God’s people are “out there.” We need to pray for them to be a source of wisdom, integrity and principle as they face difficult decisions, and a challenging job in a challenging environment.

Prayer for today… Lord, we pray for Your people serving in various positions and levels of government. Grant them strength and wisdom and allow their influence to result in being a blessing to our land.