Actions Reveal the Truth

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… People may cover their hatred with pleasant words, but they’re deceiving you.  They pretend to be kind, but don’t believe them. Their hearts are full of many evils. While their hatred may be concealed by trickery, their wrongdoing will be exposed in public.”  Proverbs 26:24-26 NLT

I have found over the years that the truth eventually comes to the surface. At years as a pastor and working in politics, I have found it almost easier, in “safe circumstances” to accept people at face value and then wait and see what their actions reveal. However, not all situations are free from danger.

There is an interesting verse about Jesus in the gospels, “…many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.” (John 2:23-25 NIV)

This context is not about those who opposed Jesus, or the Jewish authorities, it is about those who believed in Him. He was not quick to “entrust himself to them.”

The problem is, “we are not Jesus.” We don’t know what is in the hearts of people. Unlike Jesus we often do need the “testimony of others” about someone. That is just the realm of human existence and it is wise to have some references and verification on those we don’t know from others before we “entrust” ourselves to others.

We can see this in the realm of financial transactions or those who are providing a service. Have you received a call about money you owe to the IRS? Have you been informed you “won” a lottery that you didn’t enter? Is the door to door roofing contractor legitimate? We have many examples of fraud and deceit in our world. So much so, television programs have been created to share about various “con schemes.”

While we don’t know what is in the hearts of people, we do know the One who does. It is not automatic and it doesn’t happen in all circumstances, but we can pray about situations and circumstances and ask the Lord to reveal truth or give us insight and wisdom into a situation or someone. Over the years I have heard a individuals talk about a “check in their spirit” about a situation or person. That can often be the Holy Spirit working on our behalf.

Finally, we are reminded that what appears on the surface is not in deed the truth. But what is underneath the surface over time does tend to come out. We then see someone “self condemned” by their own actions or the discovery of their true motives.

We are once again reminded that we live in a “fallen world.” While we don’t need to live in fear or be paranoid; we do need to operated with wisdom. That is what Solomon is trying to communicate and we are wise to take heed.

Prayer for today… Lord, thank You that you care for all that concerns us. You are able to help us in our daily lives as we operate in the wisdom that You provide and as we commit our lives and affair daily to you.