When Perceptions Become Reality

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY…  “…the Jews from Asia, seeing him [Paul] in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him, crying out, “Men of Israel, help! This is the man who is teaching everyone everywhere against the people and the law and this place. Moreover, he even brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place.” For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple.” Acts 21:27-29 ESV

The last eight chapters of the Book of Acts deal with Paul’s final trip to Jerusalem, his arrest and the trial and all that took place which allowed him to end up in Rome. The teachings of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles and other believers was “turning the world upside down” or better yet “right side up.”

Religious traditions of both Jews and Greeks were being view as under attack. Paul was determined, even against the desire and advice of other, to go to Jerusalem. When he does, he reports to James (the Head of the Church) all that had taken place in his travels.

The news of Saul of Tarsus, turned to Paul the Apostle, had spread throughout the region. The one who had hunted down Christians was the object of being hunted by the religious hierarchy. James knew Paul was in danger and attempted to show to critics that he was not against the law. There were four men getting ready to purify themselves at the end of a vow they had taken. James told Paul,

“We have four men who are under a vow; take these men and purify yourself along with them and pay their expenses, so that they may shave their heads. Thus all will know that there is nothing in what they have been told about you, but that you yourself also live in observance of the law.”  (Acts 21:23,24 ESV)

The plans backfire when closed minded men, looking for a reason to accuse Paul, stir up the crowd and instead of recognizing his actions in obedience to the law, accuse him falsely of taking a gentile into the Temple. This leads to Paul’s arrest and two plus years of Paul defending himself and gospel before religious and political leaders and courts.

In it all the Lord was with Paul to encourage, strengthen and help him. These false accusations gave him audiences that he would not otherwise have had. But it was all as a prisoner, not a free man. He was denied the rights of a Roman citizen, he was chained, plotted against but through it all we see the Lord’s faithfulness.

I am thankful the Lord is able to overcome the prejudice, plots and false accusations of foes. Paul was willing to follow James’ advice to try to dissuade the critics. But critics don’t observe facts. We see crowds incited not based on their own evidence but on the frenzy worked up by a few zealots. A false report is viewed as being fact and true.

Remember: false accusations, trumped up charges and opinions at the hands of opponents is part of life. The Lord can help us and work through us in spite of the opposition.

Remember also, to “check out the facts” before you jump to conclusions. It may be about a friend, a leader, a situation that has taken place. Don’t give in to a “mob” mentality. For you it is a momentary lapse of judgment. For the accused it may result in change in direction with lasting ramifications.

The “spiritual” and the “natural” events of this account are important for us to observe and to learn from. When events take place that God is allowing and using it is one thing. When actions come from the hearts of sinful people it is another. Always make sure you are on the “right side.”

Prayer for today…. Lord, we live in challenging days and times. But what we see in our world and what we can encounter in our own lives, it not new and is not a surprise to You. Help us to keep our faith and focus on the God who is above the fray.