The Human Way

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?” 1 Corinthians 3:3 ESV

The contrast between the spiritual and carnal or human nature is observed and commented on throughout scripture. James wrote, “For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.” (James 3:16 NIV) Paul wrote about the “works” of the flesh in contrast to the “fruit” of the Spirit.

As Paul was encouraging the spiritual growth and vitality of the Corinthians, he was obligated to point out the evidence of their carnal or human way of acting. He offers as evidence “jealousy” and “strife.” It seems that these two are inter-related.

Jealousy is simply a desire for what someone else has. It may be power, position, love, loyalty or money. It not only creates a sense of coveting what others have, but impacts ones attitude and disposition toward others and impacts their own sense of well-being and contentment. We can see jealousy rear its head in the attitudes and conduct of people.

One of the ways jealousy is manifested is in conflict and strife. At times they may not seem related, but if you “uncover the layers” you will often find the “jealous spirit” or attitude that rises to the surface.

We are seeing this played out in our current day in the political arena. The political power and position that was viewed as a “given” to one party is know held by another. That “jealousy” is seen daily in the strife and tensions in our national political arena.

James observed, “…You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight.” (James 4:2 NIV)

In Corinth the tension was not jealousy over the standing and popularity of political figures, but of ministers of the gospel. There was an attitude that to be loyal to one minister of apostle required conflict or competition with the others.

Paul calls this the “human way.” It is how people act who have a limited understanding of life and in this circumstance of the gospel and the body of Christ.

Paul points out that division and the “party or groupie spirit” was not the spiritual perspective. It was not the attitude held by the leaders of the day. There was no keeping tabs on who performed the most miracles, secured the greatest number of converts, started the most churches or had the most compelling “preaching style.”

The bottom line was, is the gospel being advanced? Is the kingdom of God expanding? That effort requires an understanding of the various roles that are needed and who plays a certain role in a specific situation. As a result Paul says, “This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God…” (1 Corinthians 4:1 ESV) Paul was not using a singular “us” in referring to himself, but to Peter, and Apollos and others.

He explains, What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered,but God gave the growth.” (1 Corinthians 3:5,6 ESV)

Unity, acceptance and understanding is the way of Christ, jealousy, strife and division is the “human way.”

Prayer for today…. Lord, help us to reflect spiritual attitudes and understanding in our lives. Help us to influence the world around with spiritual principles, while we are on guard for “human ways” that want to influence the Church and the lives of Christ followers.