Don’t Forget to Remember

Today was a full day at the Western Conservative Summit. The event this year has attempted to balance inspiration from nationally acclaimed speakers with a focus on the arts and music. That has made for variety but also a challenge to keep everything on schedule. Senator Ted Cruz the capstone speaker did not get introduced this evening until about 10 p.m., that certainly threw off the schedule for the 9:30 p.m. events in the program schedule. However, the crowd was large and enthusiastic.

My all time favorite Dennis Prager spoke early on. He always makes me feel like I get my monies worth. I recall meeting Dennis at an event a few years ago. I found him to be very gracious and humble. Dennis says, “clarity is our friend.” I always find his talks clear, passionate and filled with principles backed by common sense.

Debbie and I ran into Senator John Andrews the Director of the Centennial Institute and the the Western Conservative Summit. Last year’s event was a week later in July and convened just a few days after I was hospitalized. John said he recalled reporters asking him about me and said they made him feel like they were preparing my obituary. I am thankful that wasn’t the case and certainly the prayers of many people made the difference.

Bible Verse for Today….But they soon forgot what He had done and did not wait for His plan to unfold.”   Psalm 106:13

This verse is found in one of the historic Psalms reflecting on Israel’s exodus and journey to the promised land. We read of the golden calf,  the murmurings and complains and find it easy to criticize and wonder why? This verse is not only insightful as to Israel’s downfall but sounds a precaution for  us today.

We can be in awe of God’s intervention and miracles,  but if we are not careful we can adopt an attitude of “what have you for me today.” Instead of the miracles of God bringing faith and encouragement, the children of Israel seemed to feel God’s power had been exhausted. The majesty and glory that had been revealed began to fade into the background of the challenges before them.

Impatience was the downfall of the Children of Israel and that short coming is even more pronounced in our day. When it seems like God is not acting we become tempted to take matters into our own hands or to look for alternatives. That is what the Children of Israel did and it brought them more hardships than a little patience and trust in the Lord, even when it seemed He was not taking action.

As Paul talks about the history of the Children of Israel he says, “Now these things took place as examples for us…” (1 Cor. 10:6) The idolatry that they were guilty of and the warnings against idolatry that Paul gave to the Corinthians are tied back to this basic flaw pointed out by the Psalmist. Forgetting God’s miracles, failing to wait for God’s plan to unfold. God’s faithfulness and concern is not dictated by out agendas and time frame.

Our duty is to be patient, trust and always put God first. Wisdom is the ability to learn from the mistakes of others. This is a good lesson to learn. So. “remember….and wait.”