When Seeing is Not Believing

Last night Christian posted the prayer update on my recent hospitalization. I appreciate the prayers that have gone up on my behalf. I am feeling better and it seems the antibiotic treatment so far has made a difference. The doctors are still waiting on a definitive blood culture report to know what the specific infection is this time around. It was good to see Dr. Tony Pierson, who was the hospitalist on duty today. He was so instrumental in helping diagnose my original West Nile Virus case.

My late afternoon yesterday was eventful in many ways. While I cancelled my therapy appointment, I did show up at Northern Colorado Rehab and Acute Hospital to present the Chief Operating Officer’s (Beth Bullard and Dawn Morrisey) the official House Tribute on behalf of State Rep. Perry Buck.

I then headed to my doctor’s appointment at the Kaiser clinic. We met with the new internist on staff. After looking at some lab results, they placed me in their observation room where I started out over one year ago. That was an interesting experience. They gave me some fluids and a small amount of antibiotics and as we were planning a follow up appointment, the doctor came in and said she felt that I need to go the hospital. After my septic shock episode in February, I have learned not to be discouraged or too disappointed by that. When I was in the emergency treatment room, I told the hospitalist on duty that I thought he was going to tell me to “go home.” He told me “I can tell you anything I want; I just have to live with the consequences.”

The good news is that it seems we are catching infections early on. While there are set backs that come about every six to eight weeks, I am making progress in my strength and endurance and level of activity.

Ā BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY…Ā  “Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them.Ā And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.”Ā  Matthew 28:16,17

These verse always perplexed me. First of all there were undoubtedly more than the eleven disciples at Jesus ascension and what had happened previous to this event and the events that followed reveal that the “eleven” believed. However, there were those in the crowd (perhaps this is the time Jesus appeared to more than 500 at once, that Paul refers to) that saw Jesus resurrected, alive and giving His disciples the “Great Commission” yet they did not believe!

What?! I thought “seeing was believing.” During Jesus ministry there were some Scribes and Pharisees that came to Jesus “seeking a sign.” You would have thought most of these would have been around to see some of Jesus’ miracles, so I’m not sure what “sign” they were seeking. Jesus basically responded to them the only sign you will receive is (the sign of Jonah) after I have been in the grave three days, I will rise again. Perhaps some of these Scribes and Pharisees were the “unbelievers” at the ascension of Jesus.

Jesus told the story of the “rich man and Lazarus.” The rich man ends up in hell and Lazarus is at “Abraham’s side .” The rich man in his torment is able to see Lazarus afar off and a rest and says, ā€˜Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father’s houseā€” for I have five brothersā€”so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.ā€™Ā But Abraham said, ā€˜They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.ā€™ And he said, ā€˜No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.ā€™ He said to him, ā€˜If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.ā€™ā€ Luke 19:28-31

This certainly became a reality and perhaps this story was a prophesy of Jesus fulfilled at the time of Jesus ascension. Faith, belief is just that. It defies understanding, it doesn’t make sense, but it is what makes our relationship with God possible. If we understood it all, we would be God and we are not, so faith is needed. Thomas theĀ  disciples is known as the doubter. He wanted proof, personal confrontational proof. Jesus in this situation provided it for him. But Jesus then said, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)

Those of us today fall into this second group. We are not those who have seen Jesus, but we believe the testimony of those who have and we believe what God’s Word declares. Jesus pronounces a special blessing upon those who believe without seeing, because “seeing is not always believing.”

I am thankful for the many answered prayers of those who do “believe.” Even now during this recent infection and hospitalization. When science doesn’t have an answer for how and why certain things happen, you realize this world is not all about what we can see, perceive and understand.