Be Careful What You Pursue

We are returning to spring weather. That means it will be time to mow the lawn for the first time this season. I have a busy week with a trip to the Western slope, so today was a day to address several timely issue. Debbie is hosting our table at the Serve 6.8 banquet on(…)


Victory Celebration

This morning we had a few inches of snow on the ground from our weekend storm. It was a wet, spring snow and not as much in  Fort Collins as in Denver. Now later in the day, the sun is out and most of the snow is gone. This morning I conducted two chapel services(…)


A Wild Ride

We have had some interesting weather today. So far not the heavy snow that has been predicted. Mostly wind, rain and snow flurries. This morning I joined with my Larimer Energy Action team in taping a video for a cable TV project we are working on. I am eager to see how it turns out(…)


Ax Heads and Armies

Last night I went to my meeting late and left early. I came home to finish my mother’s tax return. I was thankful for a lighter day today, but still felt like I didn’t get everything done I wanted to. I enjoyed a nice lunch with Eric Creed, the Senior Land Man for Great West(…)


Run-aways Who Returned

I had another busy day today. This morning, I had a radio interview (via phone) about the upcoming National Day of Prayer, followed by my weekly conference call with my energy partners team. After my chiropractor appointment, I attended the Prime-Time lunch at church and then headed to Loveland for a National Day of Prayer(…)


Command Versus Appeal

I traveled to Denver today. I stopped by Colorado Christian University to drop off a copy of my book to President Bill Armstrong. What a gracious and effective leader and servant of the Lord! I was at the Capitol testifying on a Physical therapy bill in the senate. Our bill is on life support; but(…)
