Not to Know, Know

Today I attend the memorial service for Pastor Bill Beard. Bill grew up in Loveland and spent some of his key years of pastoral ministry at the Loveland Assembly of God. It was good to hear the eulogies of his children and the difference that he made in his primary task, that of being a Godly father. I must admit it is always disconcerting when you attend a funeral of someone who is not that far from your own age.

When I was at Liberty Commons High School Tuesday night Bob Schaffer told me how people contacted him when I was in the hospital and said, “you better go see Ken, he may not make!” He went on to say,  “before I knew it you were getting better.” I told his students, “I was more popular when I was near death.”

By the way, yesterday day during my therapy, I walked about 280 feet with my walker without stopping. That is in contrast to last year at this time last year at this time, when I took my first fledgling, baby steps with a walker.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… “Lord, will you at this time give the Kingdom back to Israel?”Jesus said to them, “The times and occasions are set by my Father’s own authority, and it is not for you to know when they will be. But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”  Acts 1:6-8 (GNB)

As I read these verses of Acts chapter 1, my attention was drawn to the contrast between the disciples question and Jesus priority for them. Their question was not bad. I’m sure it was on the front of everyone’s mind. They wanted to know “what next” or “now what?”

Jesus responded by telling them what would happen next, what their priority should be. As He promised He would send the Holy Spirit to be with them forever and to empower them to share the good news with the whole word. That charge remains to this day, even amidst the same question the disciples ask two thousand years ago, “Lord when are you coming back?” “Is now the time?”

Questions about the return of Christ have been asked since the day of Jesus. Jesus on one occasion told His disciples, in speaking of His return, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:36)

But I want to challenge you to consider what we “want to know” versus “what we are given to know.” We want to know, “will our kids turn out “alright”? The Bible gives parents instructions on how to love, train and raise Godly children. (Sometimes that question about our children isn’t answered until they have children of their own.)

We want to know “what does the future hold?” And the Lord just assures us the He “holds tomorrow” and if we will trust in Him He will guide and direct our lives. He gives us insight into His Word about His plan, even though all the “what ifs, hows and whens” are not addressed.

We want to know “is my financial future secure?” And the Lord reminds us that “He is our provider.” He is the One who “knows how to take care of His own.”

Perhaps there are other “want to know” questions you can think of. The bottom line is, we believe that “if we know” we can handle it. That is why the “why” question is so common in times of grief and tragedy. But our seeking after knowledge undermines faith and trust. Also, it is important to remember that so much of our personal lives and future is impacted by our decisions and by that which is out of our control.

The bottom line is don’t worry, obsess or be filled with anxiety about your life, God’s plan for the world and the future. Instead focus on what the Lord does want you to know. Stay focused on His Word, your daily trust in Him and “He will direct your steps” and give you a “peace that passes all understanding.”