Fixed Purpose = Perfect Peace

We enjoyedSAM_0956 a beautiful day today. After attending the monthly “Allies” Men’s breakfast this morning I began to focus on some outdoor work, before moving to other tasks. But the “other tasks” never came about. But it was a good day of outside activity. It won’t be long before planting a garden in on the agenda. Outside of the aerobic activity, my outdoor work is good therapy.

Last night we enjoyed dinner at Jerry and Virginia Pippen’s. Rich and Becky Dixon were with us as well. We enjoyed the meal and our evening together. Virginia’s pie lived up to its reputation, Jerry played the piano and Rich shared some of his story about overcoming a spinal cord injury to become a long distance cyclist. (see

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 GNT

The message of the Old Testament prophets was not just focused on condemnation and calls to repentance. We see in their words the Lord speaking of a day of redemption and restoration. The verse above is found in one of those passages. The wording from the Good News Translation is different than most translations. If you are familiar with this verse you will more likely recall this wording: You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” (Isaiah 26:3 ESV)

We can certainly understand that when our mind is fixed on the Lord, our purpose will be firm and focused. It gives direction and meaning to our life. Outside of a God-centered, Biblical-worldview I’m not sure how someone lives life with meaning and a sense of destiny.

We realize that there are all types of assaults against experiencing consistent peace in our lives. The issues were even more extreme in Isaiah’s day. Enemies armies may be surrounding the city. Plagues and famines seemed all to common. The loss of life was a continual reality daily facing God’s people. There was great uncertainty about the future. All of the issue that create worry, concern and even panic draw our minds away from the Lord and to the issues that confront us. The only real solution is a steadfast trust in the Lord, and a mind that is directed away from the worries of life and is focused on the Lord and His promises.

We find another parallel in the New Testament in the words of Paul to the Philippians. He helps us to understand what it means to have our “minds focused on the Lord.” He says, “…fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable.  Put into practice what you learned and received from me, both from my words and from my actions. And the God who gives us peace will be with you.” (Phil. 4:8-9)

First Century Christians faced real threats that would captivate their minds and rob them of peace. Paul’s advice is to have an “upward” perspective. To fill your mind with qualities that promote God’s peace. When we look at this list, we can readily see that everywhere we turn in our world, whether it is the news, daily life, family, modern media; what we are confronted with is exactly the opposite of these virtues.

This calls us to be focused and intentional. As Paul wrote the Corinthians, we have to “take thoughts captive and bring them into obedience to Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5)  As we do this it does become easier to put God’s principles for living into practice. And when we do that, we experience God’s peace and God’s presence.

Old Testament, New Testament, today; we face issues of life that make a sense of peace illusive. But God’s peace and God’s presence are available to us. The “age-old” challenge, is confronted with the “age-old” solution…keep your minds on the Lord, live according to His purpose, trust with with your life and the concerns of life and He will keep you in perfect peace.