Purifying the Polluted

Hilda_100Last Sunday, we had a Summers family reunion. Today, was somewhat of a Haffner (my mother’s side of the family) family reunion. The occasion was the 100th birthday of my  Aunt Hilda Entz ( she is one of my mother’s ten sisters; four sisters and five brothers are deceased ). Several family members, many from out of state joined to help my aunt and her family celebrate. The other six sisters who are still living are in their 90’s and 80’s and keep hanging in there facing the challenges of longevity. I’m not sure how my mom and aunts were doing but I was tired by the end of the day.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… To those who are pure, all things are pure, but to those who are full of sin and do not believe, nothing is pure. Both their minds and their consciences have been ruined. They say they know God, but their actions show they do not accept him. They are hateful people, they refuse to obey, and they are useless for doing anything good.”  Titus 1:15-16 NCV

As a pastor Titus had his work cut out for him. He lived in a challenging culture with challenging people. Paul had left Titus in Crete to solidify the work of the gospel that he had preached. Paul in the opening verses of his letter to Titus says, that his preaching was intended to, “…help the faith of God’s chosen people and to help them know the truth that shows people how to serve God.” (Titus 1:1 NCV)

We see in Paul’s words and the teaching of the apostles, that faith in God is not just what we believe, but it is also related to how we live. Paul writes not to criticize but to confirm what others said about those in Crete, Even one of their own prophets said, “Cretans are always liars, evil animals, and lazy people who do nothing but eat.” The words that prophet said are true.” (Titus 1:12,13 NCV)

To be and effective spiritual leader in this climate Titus’ was to focus his efforts on…

1 – Appointing Elders. “…appoint elders in every town, as I directed yous.” (Titus 1:5 NCV) For those who complain about “the organized church” it is important to see that much of scripture is about an organizational structure for God’s people. We see this in both the Old and New Testaments. I also understand that the issue is not the “organization” Per Se, but the conduct of people.

Paul address this as he instructs Titus. Those who were to help with the work of the gospel in various towns were to have lives that would set them apart in character and conduct from the “typical Cretan.”  I like the leadership adage, “the higher the calling the fewer the choices.” It is one thing for the average citizen to be a liar, lazy and glutton, but it is not acceptable for those in a position of spiritual leadership.

2 – Faithful Instruction. By holding on to the trustworthy word just as we teach it, overseers can help people by using true teaching, and they can show those who are against the true teaching that they are wrong.”  (Titus 1:9 NCV) Paul told Titus, At the right time God let the world know about that life [eternal life and a life that pleases God] through preaching.” (Titus 1:3 NCV) God has used the same approach through history, the declaration of God’s truth to see lives changed and to challenge people in their faith and conduct.

3 – Courage to Rebuke. “…firmly tell those people they are wrong so they may become strong in the faith, not accepting Jewish false stories and the commands of people who reject the truth.” (Titus 1:13,14 NCV) In our day of relative truth, it is not popular to tell someone they are wrong. But if someone’s direction in life places them in danger, you would want to warn them they are headed for disaster. Titus and the Elders he was appointing had the spiritual responsibility to let people know when they were being influenced by teachings that did not line up with God’s truth and were from those with impure motives.

4 – Promoting Godly Conduct. They say they know God, but their actions show they do not accept him. They are hateful people, they refuse to obey, and they are useless for doing anything good.” (Titus 1:16 NCV) Paul lets Titus know that “knowing about God” and faith in God are two different things.

Our faith in God will empower us to live according to God’s truth. Paul warned about those whose “minds and conscious has been ruined.” What is the evidence? Their character and conduct is in contrast to the character of God. They hate instead of love. They refuse to obey, rather than submit to God’s truth. The are self-centered and self-absorbed, only concerned about their needs and are useless “for doing anything good.”

I wonder how many modern “Cretans” we encounter today? First of all, we have a duty to examine our own lives. Are we living a life of faith and truth that is borne out in our actions? Do we possess the hope in the eternal that helps maintain an “upward look” as we live “down here?”

We also need to allow the Lord to use us to influence others. When we live by faith and God’s truth we set our lives apart from others. Not in some kind of spiritual arrogance, but just by virtue of where we place our faith and hope. We need to share God’s truth and be willing to sound warnings to those whose lives are in spiritual danger. Lastly, we need to be on guard against those who says they, “know God” but their character and conduct is opposite of the character of God.