Restoring Usefulness

My morning began with two meetings. I enjoyed connecting with Jose Valdez, who is running for the Town Council in Windsor. In the process I discovered a local bakery in Windsor that I will revisit when I have the opportunity. Then my friend Kirk Weaver with Family Time Ministries came to Fort Collins with Donny(…)


The High Calling

I am inching my way through the final stages of my cold. I seem to have a not so good day, followed by a better one. Outside of my Chiropractor appointment, I didn’t have other commitments. That provided me an opportunity to work on some projects at home. BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… “For I tell(…)


The Good Years

This morning I enjoyed a breakfast meeting with my Rotary mentor, Dave Robinson from Loveland. He is actually a “senior power-lifter.” He competes in weight lifting competitions around the country. Later this afternoon, I returned to the fitness center for a workout with my trainer. My nagging cold symptoms stymied my workout to a degree,(…)


The Comeback

This morning I had a visit from my palliative care Nurse Practitioner. The good news at the end of the day is that I will begin my final tapper to be off of prednisone over the next month. I am told it takes 7-10 days to get over a cold and it seems mine was(…)


Big Sandals to Fill

I believe I am finally turning the corner on my cold. I did have a dental appointment and had a good check up! Glad that is over for six months. Since my day was free of other appointments I was able to continue to rest and work on some projects at home. The rest of(…)


Trained or Tamed?

Since my health crisis, I have found a “routine” seasonal illness, is not as routine as it used to be. It has been a roller-coaster type of week with my symptoms. Today has been mainly a day of rest. I am thankful to my friend Don Thurn for filling in for the Assisted Living Chapel(…)
