Reflecting on Our Rest and Refuge

As we returned to Denver from Glenwood Springs, I-70 was still closed due to a rock slide and road damage. We got an early start and the trip went well. We arrived at Christian’s home about two yours before the rest of the family  made it. We enjoyed our weekend, even with the extended travel(…)


Going to Battle

Today is wedding day for my sister’s youngest of two daughters, Kirsten. The weather is cooperating in Glenwood Springs, allowing for the planned outdoor wedding. My brother and his daughter flew in from California and brought my mother with them, so she could attend the wedding. It has been good to be together as a(…)


Trust that Overcomes Fear

A rock slide in Glenwood canyon, closed I-70 west and caused us to take a scenic detour that extended our travel time from Dillon by over three hours. We all arrived safely and in the process went through some towns and saw some scenery that we have not seen before. Tomorrow is my niece’s wedding(…)


The Greatest Commandment

The good news is, we have all the grandchildren with us for four days. The good news…it’s only four days. I think Debbie feels like this is not much of a vacation serving as the “camp cook.”  Stephanie is helping out and it takes all four adults to keep tabs on six kids. Actually they(…)


Caution in Restoration

Today was a busy and fun day for the Summers clan. Nathan and Stephanie hit the slopes with their boys, Christian came up with his boys to meet them at Loveland Basin. I headed to Denver for a work meeting. While there I ran some errands to be ready for our weekend trip to Glenwood(…)


The Fruit of the Spirit

Nathan and Stephanie headed out to the ski slopes today. Debbie and I kept tabs on the grandchildren. When Debbie took Carter to do some birthday shopping, Mason and I went to the pool and then I had Mason help me with some exercises. It was great to have all the grandchildren together yesterday. I(…)
