Purifying the Polluted

Last Sunday, we had a Summers family reunion. Today, was somewhat of a Haffner (my mother’s side of the family) family reunion. The occasion was the 100th birthday of my  Aunt Hilda Entz ( she is one of my mother’s ten sisters; four sisters and five brothers are deceased ). Several family members, many from(…)


Ready to Obey…Not

We returned to some sunshine today, which was nice. I had a breakfast meeting with members of my LEAP Steering Committee. My mother and I had haircut appointments, how about that! Since her’s took longer it gave me time to get in a workout at the fitness center. Tomorrow is my aunt, my mom’s sister,(…)


Easy Way or Hard Way

Our rain continued today in greater amounts than yesterday. It looks like it will be clearing over the next two days. I had my morning LEAP conference call and then a joint lunch meeting with the Loveland and  Berthoud Chambers of Commerce. Some interesting information on proposed changes to employment classifications. Later this afternoon I(…)


He Knows What He’s Doing

We finally have a touch of fall, with some rain and cooler weather. I attended the monthly “Professionals for Seniors” breakfast. It is always amazing to see the number of individuals and organizations mobilized to provide a variety of services to seniors. Other than that is was a low key day with my Chiropractor appointment(…)


Warned, Not Prepared

After my morning prayer gathering, I attended a new member orientation for the Fort Collins Chamber of Commerce. It was well attended and was interesting to see their many activities and services they provide members. This afternoon, my mom helped me with some work outside. I did some more work on my landscaping project and(…)


Trusting Humans, Trusting God

My mother is spending the week with us. After taking care of some “office work” this morning, I went to Denver for a meeting. I’m glad the weather was good and traffic manageable. BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… “A curse is placed on those who trust other people, who depend on humans for strength, who have(…)
