Looking down the Road

I finished addressing my last newsletter, when our guests for the day Spencer Swalm and Leon Brandli arrived. Spencer is a former House Member and Leon has been a friend for a number of years and serves as one of the House Sargents. These two have been a great support during my illness and rehab process. They were pleased to see my progress since the last time they visited back last summer. We headed to Old Town and had lunch at the Silver Grill, the oldest restaurant in Northern  Colorado. It was an enjoyable time and good food.

We returned home in time for the Bronco game and allow Spencer and Leon to get back to Denver. After a while Sue and Same cam to join us an evening meal. We anticipated Christian and Bridge and kids to come for a visit, but they had a change in plans. So it has been a good “holiday-type” of day. I am glad that I have had some of my energy and strength return that had been lacking for several days.

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”  John 15:5

This week begins the culmination of the journey to the New Year. During the holidays the pace of life can begin to slow to a degree at least for many (Unless you are an accountant or bookkeeper).  Perhaps that helps as people evaluate the past year and make plans and set goals for the year ahead. During the course of the year it is all too easy to rush through life and to forget about the priorities and goals that were set at the beginning of the year.

I was reading a recent entry in “Jesus Calling” and read these words, “I am preparing you for what is on the road ahead, just around the bend. Take time to be still in My presence so that I can strengthen you…” What appropriate words for the end of a year!

As I read the words from the pen of Sarah Young and consider the words of John 15:5 I am reminded that whatever plans I make needed to be made prayerfully, seeking the Lord’s guidance. If the Lord is “preparing the way” we really do need to “abide in Him” so that where we go He is with us. I often think of walking my dog and we are getting to a turn in the road and I feel a pull on the leash, and I need to say, “no, this way!” As we learn to yield to the Master and abide in Him we find the way we take is far better than doing our “own thing.”

We need to remember that when it comes to the Lord He reminds us “…my plans are not like your plans, and my deeds are not like your deeds…” (Isa. 55:8 NET) The Lord may have far greater plans that we have for ourselves. If we walk with Him and allow Him to guide, we will have the purpose and direction that we need and confidence that through Him, “all things are possible.”

As you move through the days of this week ahead, take time to reflect and plan. But be sure to spend time in the Lord’s presence and allow Him to prepare you for the “road ahead.” Whether filled with trials or triumphs to whatever degree, it will be easier to navigate knowing that He is with you and empowering you to bear fruit in every circumstance.