Who are you Listening To?
Today has been a “catch up” day. This last weekend was busier and with the walking that I did was probably more taxing than most. It did have a Chiropractor appointment and did make it to the neighborhood pool for some exercise.
This last weekend our room at the Hyatt Convention Center Hotel gave us a good look at one of Denver’s more well know landmarks the D&F (Daniels & Fisher) Tower. It was Denver’s first high rise opened in 1911 with 20 floors.
BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… “Happy are those who don’t listen to the wicked, who don’t go where sinners go, who don’t do what evil people do. They love the Lord’s teachings, and they think about those teachings day and night.” Psalm 1:1,2 (NCV)
In our world today, in our culture today, there are many voices. Some of those voices come from friends, parents, media, our own thoughts and of course God’s Word. Each day in each situation we must face the decision as to what “voice” we will listen to. We need to remember that what we give our attention to, will determine our thoughts and actions.
We see that God’s Word provides clear instructions for our life. Psalm 119:9,10 says, “How can a young person live a pure life? By obeying your word. With all my heart I try to obey you. Don’t let me break your commands.” This admonition isn’t exclusive to the “young” and to “men.” It applies to all and it has ramifications for our life outside of “moral” purity. We need to understand that our thoughts and attitudes are being influenced consistently in our lives by what we listen to.
The first Psalm simply says, “don’t listen…don’t go…don’t do what evil people do.” Those verbs provide for us a progression that we need to pay attention to. Listening, leads to going with, and the “going with” leads to “doing with”. Paul in the New Testament gave the warning, “Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:33)
In the first Proverb we read, “My child, if sinners try to lead you into sin, do not follow them…My child, do not go along with them; do not do what they do.“ (Proverbs 1:10,15) Sound a lot like Psalm 1. I believe the message is consistent. Solomon, then speaks of the value of wisdom and listening to what “wisdom” says. It is interesting that he says, “wisdom shouts in the streets.” It is as though, in a sea of voices wisdom is wanting to be heard and crying out to get attention of those who listen. The Proverb goes on and say those who ignore wisdom’s counsel will suffer consequences, but those who heed, “…will live in safety and be at peace, without fear of injury.” (Prov. 1:33)
The voices around us are louder and more persistent than we realize. It takes discipline and focus for us to make sure that we are listening to God’s voice and that the words of others that “keep us on track.” This shows the importance of God’s Word being a daily part of our life, and being reinforced in our life through the relationships we have.