Facing Discouragement and Intimidation

strawberriesThis has been a “tired” kind of day for me. But I still enjoyed getting out to the monthly professional for seniors meeting and running a few errands, and getting some work done in my office. The predominate plant in our garden is a good crop of strawberries. They are left over from Debbie’s mom and have been the main stay of our early summer. There are plenty for the picking, if you want to come to Fort Collins!

BIBLE VERSE FOR TODAY… Then I replied to him, “There is nothing to these rumors you are spreading; you are inventing them in your own mind.” For they were all trying to intimidate us, saying, “They will become discouraged in the work, and it will never be finished.” Nehemiah 6:8,9 HCSB

The opponents of the Nehemiah in rebuilding the walls remind me or Satan’s tactics against the believer and also bring back memories of political campaigns. Two words are consistently found describing the desired outcome and strategy of Nehemiah’s opposition, they consistently want to “discourage” and “intimidate.”

Their efforts to that end were varied and relentless. For example Sanballat and Tobiah, sent the same letter four times trying to get Nehemiah to stop his work and to come “talk to them.” They finally revealed the rumor they were spreading about Nehemiah desiring to be crowned King and creating a rebellion.

It is interesting how often rumors are the source of discouragement and intimidation. Ask any leader or pastor. The reports circle back around to the leader of what “the people are saying” or “what is being reported.” The natural response is to “set the record straight” or to retaliate in some way. I recall the perspective of one seasoned leader who said, “Your true friends don’t need an explanation and your enemies won’t believe one.”

Sanballat and Tobiah tried to intimidate the workers by mocking their efforts and making fun of the work they were doing. They were some of the original “terrorists” by creating an atmosphere filled with threats of violence.

“When Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became furious. He mocked the Jews before his colleagues and the powerful men of Samaria, and said, “What are these pathetic Jews doing?….even if a fox climbed up what they are building, he would break down their stone wall!” (Nehemiah 4:1,3 HCSB)

And our enemies said, “They won’t know or see anything until we’re among them and can kill them and stop the work.” When the Jews who lived nearby arrived, they said to us time and again, “Everywhere you turn, they attack us.” (Nehemiah 4:11,12 HCSB)

The opponents even tried to use “spiritual manipulation, through using others, even a prophet. Nehemiah realized,  “…that God had not sent him, because of the prophecy he spoke against me. Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him.” (Nehemiah 6:12 HCSB)

Tobiah, used his family connections to some of the nobles of Judah, to intimidate Nehemiah. The nobles sent letters to Nehemiah on Tobiah’s behalf, giving him an endorsement! (Nehemiah 6:17-19 HCSB) This was after the wall had been completed.

What was Nehemiah’s response? He prayed. He asked for God’s favor and for the Lord to judge those who were against him. Nehemiah stayed focus and kept to the task. Nehemiah looked to the Lord and refused to give in to the intimidation that consistently came his way.

We see as a result the “tables were turned.” Those who were trying to discourage, became discouraged when the project was completed. The wall was completed in 52 days, on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul. When all our enemies heard this, all the surrounding nations were intimidated and lost their confidence, for they realized that this task had been accomplished by our God.” (Nehemiah 6:15,16 HCSB)

Sanballat and Tobiah had to recognize that God was with Nehemiah and God’s people and what was accomplished was because of His divine provision and protection.

When we respond in like fashion, seeking the Lord and trusting in Him and guarding our hearts; we will see the Lord come to our defense and be the One who advances our cause and defends our character.

Prayer for today….  “Lord help me to keep my focus on You and to trust you to be my protection and defense. When difficulties come, when attack of my spiritual enemy or those around who would come against in doing your will, help me to seek You, to stay true to You and to know that You are with me.”